Inspired by the thread where you change one word in the title of the movie. Thatone entry – O, Bother, Where Art Thou? was hilarious, and reminds me of the Title games they used to run in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction(FASF).
So I suggest another game, inspired by that – put together two or more movie titles to make one hilarious one. (my favorite from the FASF game was The Sheep Look Up Cryprozoic). I see pictures of movie marquees like this every now and then, obviously concocted by bored theater owners and projectionists:
**101 Dalmations
The Howling
Escape from New York**
One that PepperMill really saw was this:
Hannah and Her Sisters
So how about it? Can you be a disgruntled projectionist and come up with bizarre combinations of movie titles – preferably current or recent flicks?