MS Outlook does something weird that MS Outlook Express never did. Why does MS Outlook sometimes put your attached documents WITHIN the body of the email, and other times it will put it above the body (i.e.: below the subject). I prefer the latter option…is there some setting buried somewhere so I can fix this? It drives me nuts! (“nvts” - nuts!)
Thanks, Jinx
It’s because of the emaiol format you’re in when you compose the email and attach something to it. If you’re in Rich Text or HTML formats, the attachments will be placed within the body fo the email; if you’re in Plain Text format, the attachment is placed independent of the body of the email.
As for setting a preference for where an attachment goes, I don’t know how to do that-- I poked around in the Options, and couldn’t find any for attachments. Sorry.
I also hear Outlook offers a spellcheck feature.