I have just turned 14 years old.
I am a boy.
I want to buy a muumuu.
Where can you buy muumuus that fit 14 year old boys?
Please, help me.
Couldn’t believe this question so I did a search to see where you’d posted before – and you seem legit.
Do you want an authentic muumuu, or something that looks like a muumuu.
If you don’t care about authenticity, try the “lingerie” (choke) section at K-Mart. They stock a lot of sleepwear that looks like a muumuu.
But please tell me why a 14-year-old boy needs a muumuu.
Teeming Millions: http://fathom.org/teemingmillions
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t
Walmart. Try the sale racks in the womens’ section.
Oh, and have a buncha giggles with the sales help who probably find your trolling about as amusing as we do. Difference is, the Walmart sales lady will probably be a.) a friend of your mother’s and b.) in close enough proximity to make you feel like the dork your are without the cloak of 'net anonymity.
What’s a muumuu?
I think those are what Mimi wears on the Drew Carey show.
Well, I must admit I’m underwhelmed.
I thought it might be something a little racy.
When the pin is pulled, Mr.Grenade is no longer our friend.
See if Hilo Hattie’s has a website. I figure Muumuu’s which fit 15 year old girls would fit 14 year old boys. Since they’re the real thing they might be spendy.
Is this inspired by the Simpson’s episode where Homer goes on disability after fostering his obesity?
Quoth OpalCat:
Well, I’ll be danged:
Dee da dee da dee dee do do / Dee ba ditty doh / Deedle dooby doo ba dee um bee ooby / Be doodle oodle doodle dee doh http://members.xoom.com/labradorian/
M.K., that’s exactly what I think of every time I hear/see the word muumuu!
“The fingers you have used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now.”
Heh, heh.
Whoa, cool. I’m on my way to Wal-Mart.
I hope they don’t remember the time I walked in drinking a bottle on non-alchoholic beer with the label ripped off…
Oh, and, Pam, I’m trying to get people at school to vote me in as “Most Well-Rounded”, and I need something stylin’ to wear when the yearbook photographers come 'round.
One more thing:
TVeblen, you can go die for your accusation of trolling.
I do believe what I have posted is well within the boundaries of what can be put up on this board, judging from it’s title. It was a perfectly legit question, too.
Just be glad I didn’t post it on General Questions.
But hey, thanks for the answer anyway .
Sorry Mrunner but I’m with Veb. The way you posted the OP and the OP’s content just seem very strange.
Go for it, O Well-Rounded One. You definitely win the prize for the most unusual fourteen-year-old I know.
Ummm… Ahhhh… Hmmmm… Welllll…
A rare speechless moment for UncleBeer.
Whatever makes ya happy man. Enjoy the cool underbreezes and don’t forget to pick up a nice pair of shower clogs and maybe a big floppy hat with plastic flowers on it.
You could go to the salvation army or local thrift store and find a muu muu for a few bucks.
You weren’t making fun of the Dutch by any chance, were you, UncleBeer??
“You know how complex women are”
- Neil Peart, Rush (1993)
I own clogs but no muumuu. Does that count?
What does a guy wear under a muumuu?
You know what Cecil said in one of his columns about why scottmen where skirts? Cuz sheep know the sound of a zipper.
That’s a good question…
I wonder what I would wear under that muumuu.
I’m thinking long underwear would be good.