My ex was so dumb they thought

  1. That i was lying about graduating from Syracuse University because my Diploma hanging on the wall read: Universitas Syracusana
  2. After living in this State thier entire life and having a Drivers Licence in said State for over two decades, had never heard of “Right turn on Red”. I had been driving her around for three years, and she never once even brought up the topic of Hey why i was running red lights, not a single word ever.

Lets hear yours.

If I can’t think of anything, does that mean I was the dumb one?

When I was 17 I dated a guy who was mind-bogglingly stupid. I remember he couldn’t tell time. If you told him it was quarter after four he didn’t get what that meant. He was also a pathological liar who made up things that were easily verifiable, such as claiming, at 5’6" tall, that he had a scholarship to Duke University. Or that he owned a sports car. He would just pile on the details, like his fancy car had strawberry-scented air freshener. He even lied about being a victim of abuse. I bought into his bullshit for a little while because I was the trusting sort. But he was a complete and utter moron.

He sure was hot, though.

I assume he was lying about a basketball scholarship? I’ve never seen a height requirement for academic scholarships.

Yes, he was lying about a basketball scholarship. Sorry for that omission.

That’s an especially dumb lie since even myself, a causal college basketball fan, can easily name all of Duke’s players. Maybe I’d buy a swimming or golf scholarship

Just another of the disadvantages for short males.

And I mean, I’d seen him play basketball. Badly.

That’s why I think his lying was pathological. He lied about so many things, and yes, some were to impress me, but he also lied about things that didn’t matter. He was fundamentally untrustworthy on basically ever level I can think of.

I had a short term gf like that. Did you know she was engaged to Robert Redford? I bet he didn’t, either! And she did movie stuntwork. Just not under her own name, so don’t go looking for her on the internet. Or the movie credits.

If she told me the time of day, I’d verify it before I believed it.

One of my exes knows how to spell “their” and “License”; knows to capitalize “I”, and that let’s has an apostrophe (among other things).

Sounds like he’s a lock for the GOP nomination for 2024!

Ouch. I had to wear welder’s goggles reading this post.

I know someone who refuses to accept “it’s just a coincidence” as an explanation. You know the Japanese three-pronged weapon called a “Sai?” It looks just like the Greek letter “Psi.” There HAS TO BE A REASON. He will not accept that there isn’t. He gets like this for all sorts of stupid and trivial coincidences.

never mind.

My Ex was so dumb they dated me.

Dated a guy in high school who asked me what the capital of New England was. Thought I was the dummy for not, ah, knowing the answer.

Right turn on red AFTER stop. All 50 states.

Duh, New London.

I used to have a friend who dated strippers. He said they were really hot as long as you remembered they were all crazy and would lie even if it didn’t matter.

Before I met hubs, I used to date bodybuilders. Besides their physical assets, one of the best things about them was for the most part, they were too stupid to lie. I’m serious, I caught one of them in bed with my sister and demanded to know what and why it had happened and the best he could come up with was “I don’t know, sex just seems to happen to me.” He was good in bed and my sister kept him for a few months before he got lost in the winds.

A different one was with me when I bought some clear crystal salt and pepper shakers. He looked at the lids and wondered how we were going to be able to tell the shakers apart because the lids didn’t have S or P on them. He was good in bed and nice to my cats.

Another one seemed to understand that 4 quarters made a dollar, but couldn’t ever understand that 4 quarts made a gallon. Poor guy didn’t get it even after I showed him by using a quart container to fill a gallon container. I’ll bet he’s still measuring out 4 quarts to get a gallon to this day, but he was hawt, good in bed and nice to my cats.

Another time, I showed up at my boyfriends’ apartment to see one of them holding the other one out of a third story window (over concrete walkways and parking lot) by his ankles so he could tack down cables that had been blowing against the walls and making a racket. Neither of them seemed to understand why I was so upset over that. They were good in bed and nice to my cats.

Things were different pre-AIDS. I kinda wonder how things will be post-COVID.

This person from Old England has just been enlightened :slight_smile: