Looking towards spring in the MMP

SCORE!!! Did you pick colors or just grab everything they had? A million years ago, I was able to buy a bunch of metallic threads for really cheap. I’ve used most of them over the years but every time I look at what is left, I wish I had just bought everything instead of picking what I thought future me would want/need.

Owe. It would have made me cry too!

You should try to stop doing that. Nobody is perfect and you are probably the only one who even notices.

I am also my own worse critic, so do what I say, not as I do.

Your event sounds like a lot of fun, but I wonder if Neighbors in Need would like 20 or so bags of govment powdered milk? It is skim, and powdered so I can’t use it for cheese, but none of the food banks here want it which is how it ends up in our surplus boxes. I can’t find anyone who wants it and I can’t throw it away, so I would be happy to pay to ship it somewhere that it will be used.

If anyone else here would like some, it is perfectly good powdered skim milk. It is in sealed bags and is shelf stable for years. (Do remember that if you don’t like something when times are good, if you have to eat when times are bad, you will hate it. We have tuna in our prep stash because hubs likes it. If he croaks before I do, I will be donating the tuna as well.)

Awwwww! They look like the sort of dawgs that keep you smiling all the time.

Yeah, I kinda figured you had tried everything you had in your arsenal to stop the noise, it is horrible.

Ours went off the first week we slept here and well before we were fully moved in. We have vaulted ceilings which require a full sized ladder to get to the button. At the time, we didn’t have one here and hubs was going through his shotguns to find the right sized pellets to do the job without shooting our neighbors. The noise was so bad that I was actually thinking that he had a good idea.

When I started working at the food stamp office, I would see clients wearing masks and using hand sanitizer after touching things and mentally made fun of them as well. 6 months later I was using hand sanitizer after touching anything, including paper and would have been wearing masks if it had been allowed.

They used to make us work check-in/lobby duty one month out of every four and I got sick every single time I had to do it.

Do you have carpets in the Overlook Manor? If so, they are likely to be a good part of the problem. You can make or buy static guard sprays that could be helpful. We don’t have carpets now, partly because of the static. (Arizona has very low humidity and plenty of wind, synthetic make things hundreds of times worse. For me.)

I won’t say I welcomed sin into my life as much as it tended to find me and just move in like it owned the place. Except for my floozy days, but that wasn’t sinning. That was just enjoying what God gave me.

Ain’t it right to be proven right once in a while :slight_smile: