Looking towards spring in the MMP

Old cow-orker when going to Blue Hair Buffet (or whatever) for lunch was mentioned: ‘Ugh! Steaming troughs of food!’

CatGlove I do not envy your daughter. I have attended several of those how to be a better vestry person sessions over the years. I left each one thinkin’ I would’ve been better if I hadn’t sat through this.

I’ve always assumed that the erratics in Drayton Harbor were deposited by glaciers. It’s nice to see confirmation.

wow finally caught up …another somewhat depressing week eh? or as I call it “welcome to February”… as I’ve never had anything good happen in this month …

i still hold out hope things will improve for everyone

it’s now obvious why you are called Cookie :slight_smile: those cookies sound delicious! And I’m going to have to make that breakfast for hubs, he will love it.

Was looking forward to watching a great game on FOX at MSG. Several of my daughter’s close friends were in attendance and I told them to cheer extra hard for me. Unfortunately, the ability to put the ball in the basket was eluding my Spartans. But good for Rutgers, they’re now in 2nd place in the BigTen.

Salmon, baked taters and broccoli will be made for dinner.

Evening all. Roomie for tonight is a Connecticut guy named Matt. He’s a cop (detective), a cancer survivor, and like me he’s going for his 7th continent. We had a good talk and then I went with him to the Maritime/Antarctica/Art/History Museum located in an old prison located at an Argentine Navy base. It was not very interesting and overpriced but it did get me out for another couple of hours of walking. Now it’s 7:30pm here, I have my shoes off and snacks in the room and don’t plan on leaving it again tonight. Matt (heck, he’s only 40, a veritable youth) is out again hunting chocolate at various stores and I probably won’t see him until late tonight. Not a cruise roomie (still don’t know if I have one or not), but a good guy to have along.

Nellie, haven’t seen that building yet, some other interesting places, if the weather isn’t too bad I might hop on one of the ‘city tour’ buses tomorrow and see if I can spot it. And I think the pronunciation is u-sway-ah. I think. Oh, and high-five on Drs. visit.

Sari, loved the picture. Ripple looks so elegant and commanding.

FCM, hopefully the hot tub will be sans tweenagers soon.

flyboy, bet they say you need to check for leaks. Happened to me last year. And I had leaks.

Dicey, OUCH!! Hope it is feeling better now. And while it is fairly warm, no sunshine to be seen today (at least the predicted rain didn’t show up).

Yanker, nice pup pictures, sorry they are gone. Lots of street dogs here but they all look pretty well-fed, so somebody is taking care of them. And Yeah! on the truck installations.

Ok, that’s all the catching up I have energy for. Board the ship in about 20 hours, but will be out of the room in 14, so still time for exploration. Take care all.

taters, we should all be so lucky to have our dogs live that long.

Mooooom, Doyle’s looks like a good comfort food place at a reasonable price.

flyboy, yeah, I made that mistake with psyllium fiber too. I’ve learned to add it after the porridge has cooked. Sometimes I have to add another TBsp or so of hot water after to get a good mix. BTW, with the price of eggs so high or if you want vegan baked goods, 1 TBsp of psyllium fiber +2 TBsp of water is a good sub for one egg.

It sounds like you’re having a good time metal mouse.

I spent $40 at the grocery outlet today and came home with a pork sirloin roast split in two (they have a regular meat department as well as outlet groceries), 3# of smoked neckbones (will make a couple of pots of beans), some country ribs (makes good stew) and a couple of pork steaks. I also got some good crackers, nuts and some SF lollipops.

To cap the bargain day off, I picked up a Marketplace buy on the way there of rick rack. I got 80+ new-in-the-package and about a half dozen partials for $5. The new ones usually sell for ~$3 each retail, so I’ll likely never have to buy certain colors again. I use them for borders and trim in papercrafting.

Now to finish addressing my Valentines.

Evening, all. Thank you all so much for your prayers for my nevvy and the fam. There’s not really been a lot of change today, just trying to make decisions. I did go to deheathenization this morning, as we had Sabbath school. My kids were a great comfort and brought some much needed cheer into my day. Stopped at Toxic Bell on the way home Most of the afternoon was on the phone with some of my friends, just like most Sabbath afternoons, kind of dozed a bit after and went to my folks’ I just wanted to see and hug them, know what I mean? I love all you guys. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

SCORE!!! Did you pick colors or just grab everything they had? A million years ago, I was able to buy a bunch of metallic threads for really cheap. I’ve used most of them over the years but every time I look at what is left, I wish I had just bought everything instead of picking what I thought future me would want/need.

Owe. It would have made me cry too!

You should try to stop doing that. Nobody is perfect and you are probably the only one who even notices.

I am also my own worse critic, so do what I say, not as I do.

Your event sounds like a lot of fun, but I wonder if Neighbors in Need would like 20 or so bags of govment powdered milk? It is skim, and powdered so I can’t use it for cheese, but none of the food banks here want it which is how it ends up in our surplus boxes. I can’t find anyone who wants it and I can’t throw it away, so I would be happy to pay to ship it somewhere that it will be used.

If anyone else here would like some, it is perfectly good powdered skim milk. It is in sealed bags and is shelf stable for years. (Do remember that if you don’t like something when times are good, if you have to eat when times are bad, you will hate it. We have tuna in our prep stash because hubs likes it. If he croaks before I do, I will be donating the tuna as well.)

Awwwww! They look like the sort of dawgs that keep you smiling all the time.

Yeah, I kinda figured you had tried everything you had in your arsenal to stop the noise, it is horrible.

Ours went off the first week we slept here and well before we were fully moved in. We have vaulted ceilings which require a full sized ladder to get to the button. At the time, we didn’t have one here and hubs was going through his shotguns to find the right sized pellets to do the job without shooting our neighbors. The noise was so bad that I was actually thinking that he had a good idea.

When I started working at the food stamp office, I would see clients wearing masks and using hand sanitizer after touching things and mentally made fun of them as well. 6 months later I was using hand sanitizer after touching anything, including paper and would have been wearing masks if it had been allowed.

They used to make us work check-in/lobby duty one month out of every four and I got sick every single time I had to do it.

Do you have carpets in the Overlook Manor? If so, they are likely to be a good part of the problem. You can make or buy static guard sprays that could be helpful. We don’t have carpets now, partly because of the static. (Arizona has very low humidity and plenty of wind, synthetic make things hundreds of times worse. For me.)

I won’t say I welcomed sin into my life as much as it tended to find me and just move in like it owned the place. Except for my floozy days, but that wasn’t sinning. That was just enjoying what God gave me.

Ain’t it right to be proven right once in a while :slight_smile:

Maybe stop at the hardware and buy a long screw (minds out of gutters, folks!) that you can screw into the end of your broom handle to be able to push the button cause you know it is going to happen again. If the screw gets in your way of using the broom, you can unscrew it and put in in your silverware drawer for next time you burn your tortillas. With the hole already there, you will be able to put the screw back in with your fingers and then shut that damn thing up.

Changed my sheets, put the comforter into the washer, had a Vieux Carré. Watching some quiz shows, because I love trivia and drinking.

“Let those who are without sin…go and get some.” - Fred G. Sanford

I was thinking “See the color 9”, but then I saw it was “psyllium” and not " psilocybin" :crazy_face:

: waves back :

.410 and birdshot. Trust me on this. :wink:

I love getting stoned and watching baking shows. I’m a major fan of that British one, I always get so inspired, but also so stoned that I can’t be bothered to get up and look to see if we have smelt flour.

narrator: She doesn’t.

Takes note.

I was thinking the same.

Eh. Either way, I’m good with it.

I had two pieces of related good news this evening–another request for me to do a Zoom reading and talk, and contact from someone who was supposed to interview me but has been incommunicado. Both of these will be fun and could result in a few more people buying my book, so that’s cool.

I’m never going to live down that missing G, am I? Some sins are certainly welcome at my door. Gluttony, for one.

Dinner :plate_with_cutlery: turned out great, except for dessert. I’ve made whiskey cakes dozens of time, and they’ve always turned out OK. I’ve also made muffins using egg substitute and assumed I just had to mix it with water and add it to the batter. Wrong. I threw out the first batch. The second was only marginally better. B., my daughter’s sister-in-law, checked the recipe and recommended a couple changes. She and E. wanted to try the apple cakes anyway. The had a texture like a steamed pudding.

Anyway, we had a lovely time, and they’ll be here pretty often, so hopefullyI’ll get better at vegan desserts with more practice.

I now have a kitchen to clean up.

Now, see, those are welcome sins.

Woke before 6. Sheesh.

The only plan for today beyond breakfast is a ride to the Skechers outlet. And maybe a boardwalk stroll. It’s already above freezing.

Happy Sunday!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 43 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 68 and mostly cloudy for the day. The big item on today’s agenda is deheathenization followed by first Sunday brunch to include the big chili cookoff. We are bringin’ some chili as well as the chawklit cake. Since the chili is some that we froze and will heat up in the crock pot, there is no expectation of it bein’ in the runnin’ for the best. I’m good as long as it gets et up. The search committee will also make a presentation this mornin’ and announce the rollout of the on-line Parish survey this week (it will be available from tomorrow until Feb. 26th). Paper copies will be available upon request and we’ll have laptops available the next three Sundays so folks that want can do the survey whilst there. It takes fifteen-twenty minutes to complete and anyone age sixteen and above may take it. Howzzat for way more info than anyone needs! The rest of the day shall be spent in the usual sloth and general overall uselessness.

JtC I will ask if powdered milk is a need. I might not get an answer until tomorrow, as that’s when I can get in contact with one of the Sister’s. NiN is organized and run by the local Catlick church and is headed up by two Nuns. Like you I also “dated” a few human equivalents of GG durin’ my mispent youth. They looked good and were good in bed. However, they tended to have trouble figurin’ out how to open doors.

Nellie glad the dinner went well. I am sure you’ll figure out what you need for the whiskey cakes. Maybe more whiskey. It they contain enough whiskey, no one will care.

Lily great news on the Zoom readin’ and talk and on the contact with the interviewer. May it all result in many sales of your book.

MetalMouse glad roommate is tolerable even if he is a whippersnapper. Hope he had a successful quest to find chawklit.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, purtification for deheathenization must commence.

Happy Sunday Y’all!

ETA: I know the survey takes fifteen to twenty minutes to take because I took it (committee members got to take it and look over it last week) and it took me fifteen to twenty minutes. How scientific is that!

Morning all. Good thing I did my wandering yesterday, it’s 43F with wind at a steady 40mph, gusting to 55mph (if anyone wants to figure out the wind chill for that, be my guest. So all the boat folks are huddling in the hotel instead of being outside seeing the sights (so sorry nellie, the building mystery may not get solved). They are picking us up at 3:30pm to take us to the ship, so on this time I’ve got 5 hours to kill…oh joy.

swampy, roommate was only for the evening, have someone named George for the ship’s roomie, hope he is tolerable since we have 12 nights together.

OK, looks like the weather is settling down, might essay a short trip outside. All y’all take care and if not before, I’ll see you on the 18th/19th of February on the MMP.

JtC, the rick rack was sold by the bag. She also had bags of seam binding, zippers, etc. She just wanted them gone. Win - win!

nellie, when I take muffins to take to irk, I tend to make them vegan, given that we’re pretty culturally diverse with folks who don’t eat eggs and / or dairy. I use the aforementioned egg substitute and either coconut milk or oatmilk. They turn out well.

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted and Sunday dinner in the crock. I’m fixing to do lunch / breakfast prep for the week, then KP. Not much shaking otherwise today.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!