I know it’s gonna be really cheesy looking, and it’s still under construction, but it’s mine! I finally have my own homepage. I don’t have a link there yet to send me email, but I want to expand it and I’m looking for ideas. If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please let me know.
Good start. Definite possibilities. Personally, I’d lead off with the pic of you in the ‘jacket’. But, this pic of you works also. It was cool to see your GF’s pic. She’s very pretty. I like it so far, and will look forward to seeing the updates.
Oh, and make sure to include lots of pics of you in uniform. We women really go for that. Just in case you didn’t know that.
Yes, I’m one of them, why do you ask?
Gotta agree with purplebear on the bit about your gf. Definitely get more pics of her up there . . . <eg>. Why doesn’t she have her own page up yet? Are you doing that to get more . . . ?
By the way, we straight guys (me, at least) do not go for pictures of men in uniforms. So make sure to put all of THOSE pictures on a separate page, but do add links to more pix of Honesty. Perhaps even invest in a digital camera or a good scanner.
Not bad at all. One small nitpick-- I run my monitor at very high resolutions and your background image is repeating itself off the side of the page. It’s not too hard to fix that, and I can send you an example if you want.
Oh yeah… and your gf is a hottie.
<— scratching my head trying to figure out a way to work MY home page into this message…
Looking good! That’s one of the best home pages I’ve seen
Most seem to just have everything centered under a picture, and the second picture is on a second page.
I’m in dook’s boat.
My resolution is set at 1152x864. Your background image is at 1050. Stretch it to 1152 or wider. Keep the same height though, obviously.
Or… there are a couple of lines you could put in your html to make it non-repeating (which is what I was referring to when I offered to send an example… something I didn’t exactly make clear).
-dook the pretentious bastard