My Name is Earl 10/4

Earl is still in prison, but Randy’s figured out a way to join him.

Maybe I was naive, but you could have knocked me over with a feather when the “hook” between Jamal and Hector was revealed. So much for prison gang stereotypes, huh?

Nice to see Craig T Nelson again.

When is Joy (Jamie Pressley) going to pop? And no Catalina this week.

I died laughing at that scene. And also when the warden let them use his office for “negotiations.” He said something like “they’re really fighting!” Too funny.

“I get it - you want to be work friends” - Craig T. Nelson to Earl.

“I scored 55% on my prison guard exam! That was the best score they’d seen all year! And my cholesteral score was really high, too!”


Pretty good episode. I liked Randy getting a job by getting a 55 on the test (the highest in ages!).

The hook between Jamal and Hector surprised me, too. Mostly because I couldn’t imagine a TV comedy portraying that relationship as specifically as it did. And though it was funny, it was never played for laughs – Hector and Jamal were serious and the script accepted that. I wonder if there were many protests about it?

I loved Darnell slapping Randy to prove he was a bit slow. And the “one month off your sentence” certificates. Plus the “Are you Randy Hickey?” “Did I get that question wrong, too?” exchange.

Who was the other prison guard? He looked extremely familiar. I know, I am going to say “of course”, when someone tells me.

Overall, this episode did not strike me as very funny, I am glad they have set in motion a way to shorten Earl’s sentence.


I’m thinking Earl gets enough of those certificates, goes to turn them in, and whoops…new warden, those are no good, son.

I liked Randy trying to get himself arrested, and Jamal pretending to punch Hector in the mouth, but really so Hector can kiss it over and over again.

Monthly negotiating sessions…hee hee hee.

I think it’s this guy, from According to Jim. I remember him as the comic book store porn-loving nerd in “Friends.”


Yeah thats the guy! here I was thinking it was Andy Richter .

I never saw him before, I was thinking, but could not remember it, that he was indeed Andy Richter. At the bottom of the IMDB page for Larry Joe Campbell, I noticed this Is it me or does he look like Andy Richter? *shoctrtmnt *. So, I guess we are not the only ones to make this mistake.

Thanks wheresgeorge04 & Suda,

I liked the montage where Earl was trying to get Hector to fall for Jamal again. . .he rubbed his shirt on the pillow, wet-shirted him, then snuck him the “rocket pop”. That last bit was some dirty shit for 8:15!

The clips of them kissing every time they were fighting were hilarious, as was the “fist kissing”.

Gotta love Earl for having the guts (I was gonna say balls) to portray a relationship like that without going all out with sterotypes or cutting back the affection. I can’t wait to hear the backlash…

I’m not a fan of this show (not not a fan either, if you know what I mean), but I happened to catch it last night. I thought it was hilarious! The two gay prison guys were awesome, but I loved this exchange:

EARL: Randy, say something nice about Joy.
RANDY: She does have a nice rack.
EARL: Now, Joy, say something nice about Randy.
JOY: Well, he is doing a better job of flushing the toilet, especially after he does a ‘big job.’

I doubt there’ll be any backlash, but the show did win a GLAAD award for its pilot episode, so it has a good track record of being funny-yet-nonpandering in the past with its gay references.

Jamal had about the most kissable lips I’ve ever seen on a man. Anybody else think so?

Offbeat role for Craig Nelson. So, whatever state Earl lives in has a female governor. (Come to think of it, why isn’t he in a federal pen? He took the rap for Joy’s kidnapping charge, which should be a federal charge.)

Reminds me of one of my favorite country & western lyrics:

Papa loved Mama;
Mama loved men . . .
Now Mama’s in the graveyard;
Papa’s in the pen.

I genuinely thought there’d be a gay embrace in progress when the guards opened the solitary confinement cell. When there wasn’t, I just shrugged it off and forget about it until just two minutes later when the guys kissed, and it cracked me up, just as Will Arnett’s Let’s Go to Prison cracked me up.

I loved it when Craig’s wife and her guests walked in on him playing Guitar Hero in his boxers.

You gotta cross a state line or kidnap a federal official or sumthin.

Man, the cafeteria scene with the Ice Cream Push-UP was over the top. Rounded, glistening confection, thick ropy strands extending from a long tongue. Definitely not ready for High Def.

My favorite moments:

Randy: “I’d like to play the race card now. How do I do that?”

Crabman: “My uncle slapped a cop once. He got 12 years for it. Guess what color he is?”
Randy: “Lucky? Oh wait, lucky isn’t a color.”
Finally, did anyone else notice Buckethead in the background behind Earl when Jamal ran to the fence to stop his Mexican lover from electrocuting himself?

YES! It’s the little touches that make this show great.

(And the fact that Joy considers “having a nice rack” as a good compliment is so true to her character.)