I hate whistling. Like, it’s an icepick in my ear every time I hear it (which I suppose makes me Leon Trotsky every time someone whistles in my presence). My boss is a whistler of the completely and utterly tuneless variety, and every time he does it I twitch, then have to get up and close my door. My last boss was also a whistler, and I think his was worse–his favorite (perhaps only) tune was the stereotypical circus music, and that’d often wind up as an earworm to boot.
This, however, does not apply to me. For whatever reason, I’ve been listening to Colonel Bogey’s March, better known as “that whistling song from Bridge on the River Kwai.”* Which has led me to want to whistle it, since it’s now stuck in my head. So I have been. I also just randomly whistle now and then, though I at least make an attempt to carry a tune. So yeah, I’m a hypocrite.
- Or “Hitler’s Only Got One Ball,” if you prefer. And no, the whistling in the movie doesn’t bother me either.