And I’m wondering what it could be. I will be going to the doctor’s tomorrow to get myself checked out. But I’m want to know the different things tha tit could possibly be. Mostly out of curiousity and also cause it is worrying a bit.
About a year ago, I threw up blood. I went to the doctor’s for that and he said that it was probably due to stress. I was feeling very stressed around that time and so I dismissed it as that. I have thrown up since then and there was no blood. There was also no blood in my stool so I figured he was right.
Afterwards, however, I was not able to eat as much as I used to. I lost a lot of weight between last September and December. I was depressed during those months, so I just dismissed it as that.
I have since regained all my weight and then some. I am not malnurished and not sickly.
However, I feel like I never have an appetite. I don’t feel like I am ever hungry. I eat because I know that I should, even though I am not hungry. If I eat too fast, I get nauseous. If I take too big of bites, I get nauseous. Earlier this week, I smelled eggs and I felt like I was right about ready to throw up. Sometimes it’s like I’m force-feeding myself but it isn’t quantities that I have never eaten before. It’s a portion that I should have no problem eating.
Anyone have an idea of what the problem could be? Or how serious this might be?