I was going to post this thread a couple weeks ago. Now it seems like a better time.
I want to thank the members of the SDMB. You all helped me through good times and bad. Answered my questions whether they were dumb or not. You all gave good advice, and helped me get a new perspective on things that I might never have given a second thought. You all have educated me in a way that I may not have picked up anywhere else. You have entertained me. Kept me company. You guys were always here even in my darker moments. It might seem silly to some to get gushy on a message board. After all, to most people, it’s just a board. I think we are way more than that. We are a community. I am sad to see how many people who won’t be back after the board switches to pay. Alot of the people who are leaving are people who have made me laugh, help me see the light, and even some people who have argued with me. I pray that this community stays strong after it switches to pay. I will always remember the members who won’t be coming back. I used to feel like a complete geek when I would say something like “Oh you would never guess what BuckleBerry Ferry said !” or “I read the coolest thing on the SDMB today” Now I realize, that if that makes me a complete Geek, well then Geek I guess I am.
So thanks alot dopers, You have made my last 5 years very interesting, and I hope it stays that way for many years to come. Even if it doesn’t, You all will be in my thoughts.