My Wedding Anti-rant

I’ve been ranting about wedding PITAs on and off for the last year or so here, so I thought I would share a happy-happy joy-joy story for a change :D.

We were visiting Jim’s parents this weekend, and I was (in what I hope was a humourous way) bemoaning the fact that caterers almost double their prices once they hear the party is a wedding reception. Money is very tight for us right now, because Jim’s employer is reducing his salary on a monthly basis (long, angry story - we’re working on fixing it) and I’ve been unemployed for nearly a year with little income coming in. Anyway, we got a call from Jim’s parents last night, and they have volunteered to pay for the caterers for the wedding.

The weight that I feel lifted off of me from this very nice gesture is much greater than I would have anticipated. Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Jim’s Parents. I appreciate this so very much.

(The first thing I said to Jim when he told me this was, “I hope they didn’t think I was fishing for money when I was talking about wedding stuff this weekend! That never even crossed my mind!” and he assured me that wasn’t the case.)

Yeah, parents can be great. Mrs. Bernse and I were planning on paying for our whole wedding (kept it small since we didn’t want to go into debt… or at least not too much) but her folks ended up paying for the banquet room and food and mine ended up paying for the booze and some other goodies. Needless to say, those were the most expensive 2 items out of our entire wedding. We had the luxury of not going into debt over our wedding. We were playing our cards and going conservative anyhow so it wouldn’t be bad, but that “help” sure made it a nice and made it certain we wouldn’t be financing our wedding for the next year or two.