I’ve been ranting about wedding PITAs on and off for the last year or so here, so I thought I would share a happy-happy joy-joy story for a change :D.
We were visiting Jim’s parents this weekend, and I was (in what I hope was a humourous way) bemoaning the fact that caterers almost double their prices once they hear the party is a wedding reception. Money is very tight for us right now, because Jim’s employer is reducing his salary on a monthly basis (long, angry story - we’re working on fixing it) and I’ve been unemployed for nearly a year with little income coming in. Anyway, we got a call from Jim’s parents last night, and they have volunteered to pay for the caterers for the wedding.
The weight that I feel lifted off of me from this very nice gesture is much greater than I would have anticipated. Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Jim’s Parents. I appreciate this so very much.
(The first thing I said to Jim when he told me this was, “I hope they didn’t think I was fishing for money when I was talking about wedding stuff this weekend! That never even crossed my mind!” and he assured me that wasn’t the case.)