I just got a Beta/Betta (pick correct spelling) fish. It’s blue and red.
The fish needs a name. “Sushi” is out, 'cause that’s what the previous one was named. All other suggestions will be considered.
The prize for the best name is 10 cents (US$0.10), via PayPal. Really. If I use your suggestion, you get a dime.
Ick (one I’ve used in the past for a pet fish)
Gill (from that movie with Bill Murray…I forget the name)
Alpha Betta
Darwin (like the Darwin Fish)
Mr. Fins, the Cold Blooded Vertebrate
von Fish
das Fish
I once had an angel fish named George. I had four angel fish named George, come to think of it. I still think it’s a great name for an angel fish, or any other tropical fish. I feel very close to George for reasons that defy easy explanation.
I also had an angel fish named Agnes. They’re both good names.
What you need to do is buy another fish (since they’re betas, get another one of those little bowls). If your current fish is mostly blue, get a mostly red one, and viceversa.