I’ll wait.
Non-Pop Country.
Kardashian fandom.
Christian rock.
Non-country pop.
I’m not a country fan at all, but at least it has guitars.
The thought that pop music has to have guitars.
It doesn’t “have” to have anything; it’s free to do what it likes, and I’m equally free to ignore it.
I’m just gonna post this and then quietly exit.
I don’t know the official subgenre, so ill just spitball here and call it “MonsterTrunkCrunk”
The soundtrack for “This is Us”.
This is my vote. Christian country is bad too.
That’s what I was going to say to.
Schlager. Worst “music” ever.
Muzak comes to mind (unfortunately)
Any Christian music aside from some Gospel and actual hymns. (And the occasional one-off song. Spirit in the Sky, frex, which I think succeeds mostly because it’s totally a cynical cash-in.)
1970s soft rock.
Might as well go big: Soft rock / “adult contemporary”.
HOLY fuck! This is the winner so far. My IQ dropped quite a bit watching a minute of that video.
Grocery store music, drives me batty. Every time I go in this one store it has timed up to 50s pop songs. Every. Stinkin’. Time. If I go my whole life and never hear ‘Do-do Ron-ron’ again it’ll be too soon.
Hip hop country pop.
Slow jazz. It’s only use is camp appeal.
I think I’ve only heard Drafi Deutscher but he had an appeal. Often in movies to signify: here be Germans drinking beer. Like the Hollywood shorthand of using “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” for Irish people.
Social Media.
Things other people like.