Need a clever Business Name Fast

I think that tells you something about the plausibility of this business model.

The Scoop Nazi


2 Cooks 1 Bowl

There’s a St. Louis strip mall restaurant that underwent a menu change without a name change. Their sign now reads Hot Pot (and in smaller type below) Smoothie Shop.

As for the OP, Soups & Cones seems like name people could say without trouble.

(Bolding mine)

No, really. There aren’t.

Pleasurable Cream

Whoa. Way too many porn images with this one. :smiley:


Yep, it’s my choice as well although Czarcasm’s Scoop And Crackers is pretty cute too.

Soup or Sundae. (think football)

If the business is in New Jersey or you want to go with a NJ theme, you could call it “Yo, I got yer effin’ Ice Cream RIGHT HERE!” unless it’s winter. Then you could call it “Yo, I got yer effin’ soup RIGHT HERE!”


Souper Dipper

Frost & Broth