Need a good name for my pitbull puppy. Any suggestions?

I have been a pitbull owner all of my life…a whole 25 years. I love 'em. I have a male pitbull. My female pit had a litter of ten and I kept one; he is a male. He is very playful and into everything. He is exactly five and a half weeks old. So, anyone have some ideas? By the way…I have a degree in history so I love historical references. Thanks guys!

I went to Google"1983" and found a long list of possibilities. Since I don’t know you, it’s difficult to choose a name from the historical year of your birth.

My suggestion: “Thriller” - it was introduced that year and it changed music videos.

A picture would help too.

Thanks, Jali. Where can I post pictures from my digital camera for free? I’d be glad to show one. My year of birth is 1983, but it does not have to be from that year.

Picture. We need a puppy picture.

Flickr, Photobucket offer free image hosting.

Percy the Pit Bull?

Cerberus? Cerby? I know it’s mythology, but it sounds cute. :slight_smile:

What color/marking does he have? I have a friend who calls pit bulls “pibbles” and if it was a girl, I’d say that’d be a good name. Doesn’t sound too masculine, though. :smiley:

I named mine Chuck U. Farley. Great name for a pit. Too bad it’s already taken.

I always wanted a dog named “Curiosity”.

Honey, what the hell killed my cat, Mr. Happy Freckles?
“Curiosity, my dear wife. Curiosity”

Dammit Laalune you stole my thunder
I second this one

Teabag Johnson.

I know this has nothing to do with history or the Pit Bullness of the dog…but I am going to refer this suggestion for any animal until somebody uses it!

Here are pics of his twin. The girl I gave him to put them up.

Am I understanding correctly that you are breeding pit bull puppies and giving them away to folks when they are four weeks old? Maybe I am assuming to much based on the picture title?

Maybe it is threadshitting to mention that 95% of the dogs in our shelter here are pitbulls.

Otherwise, historical names that I like for a dog: Alexander, Xerxes, Magnus, Charlemagne, Roland, Nero, Akenhaten


If his eye markings are are the same as Zeus’, then you must call him Rocky…like Rocky Racoon.

He looks like “Genghis Khan” to me

Just don’t name him John Jacob Jinglehiemer Schmidt.

That’s my name.

Hey! That’s my name too!

Whenever you go out, do people always shout?

I like Mortimer, Nostradamus, and Machiavelli. Then you call the dog Mort or Morty, Nosey or Damn-us, or Mack. Of course, Voldemort would also be a fine name, giving you Voldy or Mort for short stuff. :slight_smile:

Mike. Call him Mike.

Patton works for me, yeah, Patton the Pit.