Need alibi for giant gash on forehead/Share tales of conspicuous wounds earned while inebriated

My brother, who is going through severe emotional issues, blacked out last night while on a bender. He lost his wallet and cell phone, but worst of all he woke up with a bloody face, resulting from a giant gash on his forehead just small enough not to require stitches. He will be going to work tomorrow with a bandage covering aforementioned wound.

Suggest an alibi. How should he respond with coworkers say “OMG what happened.”

Anyone have similar stories with embarrassing wounds and a helpful way of responding.

As far as the bandage, do you go with a cutesie/funny “ouch” or “wtf” bandaid knowing that everyone will notice anyway. Or is a more minimalist skin colored bandaid a better approach.

“I had to trim my horn back.”

I always go with a blatant Band-Aid (like Star Wars or Scooby-Doo) rather than try to hide an injury. As for the excuse, the best bet is to make up something embarrassing, but not that embarrassing. The last time I got into a bar fight, I ended up sporting a shiner for a few days. I told people I got cold-cocked by an 80-year-old grandma wielding a box of Tide at the supermarket. She was swinging it off the shelf into her cart, missed just as I stood up next to her, and “Pow!” Tell a story like that and people laugh. Tell them you blacked out or got your ass handed to you in a fight, and they don’t laugh.

I always just say “Damn velociraptors again. I have got to cut that grass back this weekend.” Usually gets a laugh.

I could stand to toughen up my image a little bit. If I ever get a properly visible injury, I’m all prepared to tell my friends I got it in a bar fight.

The last time I got a gash on my face (right between the eyes) I was completely sober. I was getting a box off a high shelf in the garage, and as I tilted towards myself to get a good grip, a long forgotten dartboard slid off the top of it right into my head.

Feel free to let him borrow my anecdote.


Say nothing more.

I was fighting a goat.

Or you can go with Lamar Mundane’s version, that’s a good one.

“I bit myself by accident.”

“On the forehead? How’d you bite yourself on the forehead, of all places?”

“I stood on a chair.”

Took the towel-turban off my head. It caught on an angle lamp. Lamp swung around and socked me in the eye.

Luckily the only time this happened to me all the damage was on my arms
and I was able to use long-sleeved shirts hide the scabby evidence, of which
there was quite a bit.

I did once get bashed face down into the sand by rough surf while body surfing
and no one looked at me too funny when I gave that as the explanation for
the 1-1.5" diamter scab in the middle of my forehead.

BTW Vitamin E really, honest-to-god does work as a healing accelereant
for minor but usightly wounds. Keep such a would irrigated with Vitamin E
24 hours a day and the scab will be gone in a week (puncture capsule to
get liquid vitamin). It worked for me in the two cases above.

I cut myself shaving.

I actually bruised my forehead after running into a door. Went over well when I told my coworkers at the Public Defender’s Office.

Had a nasty scrape on my chin once when I drunkenly fell on the sidewalk chin-first. When people asked, I just said I tripped and left out the drunk off my ass part.

Now, the burn on the lip that lasted for a couple weeks required more creativity. I went with a story about roasting marshmallows with a wire coat-hanger.

Yeah, dunno if anybody really bought either of those…

Once upon a time I got a pretty bloody gash on my forehead by colliding with, I think, a dragonfly at 1200 feet at around 70 mph.

Not that anyone believed me - but it was true!

Interesting post/username combo there…

Similar thing happened to me. I was blitzed drunk and trying to brush my teeth. I banged my forehead on the faucet resulting in a nasty gash that would not stop bleeding. The next day, my forehead had a swollen bump the size of a grapefruit. It was hard to explain.

Walked into a cabinet door that wasn’t supposed to be open.

Monkey knife fight. I wasn’t involved, it just kinda happened around me.

This one made me laugh aloud!
One could also feign ignorance. “What? Where? OMG, how did that happen??? Who did this to me??”