Need answer fast, nicked myself shaving, badly. How to stop the bleeding

As it says, it seems that a three day old beard, a 10 day old blade and a steamed up bathroom are not condusive to safe shaving. I think I nicked a vessel on my cheek, because it bleeding, quite a lot. I have a wedding to get to, and I am out of my usual remedy, alum gel and stypitic pencils. Pressure with a cotten swab. I am looking at my deoderant, that might work. Or give me a bad infection.


Apply icecubes to the area, which will contract the blood vessel and stop blood flow.

Go to a doctor immediately.

Piece of tissue. Just leave it there for a little while.

I don’t think this is necessary.

This. Make sure to leave it as long as possible, amd do not be tempted to peel it off. Of it falls off naturally, that is the best way, as it will be dried up and no longer bleeding.

If you nicked your aorta, you probably aren’t reading this right now.

OP has written,* " it is bleeding quite a lot"*.

Sounds worrying to me. In my case bleeding stops with a little pressure applied by my fingers.

Edit: I am not a doctor.:smiley:

Sorry, buddy. Always Be (having) Clean (razors).

Sucks to be you, but compensate in other ways. Snazzy tie?

Yeah, above, but I doubt he’s shaving with a straight razor and hit a big one – face and neck bleed a lot even with safety razors. After 10 days it takes me 2 disposables +1 for clean-up.

Protip: don’t fuck it up, next time.

Does my aorta come to my cheek? Otherwise I doubt I nicked it. The ice followed by tissue seems to be working best.

Thanks for the advice.

Probably a little late to help, but…Superglue might work, if it’s not too deep.

No kidding—old Army trick. Works especially well on finger pads.

next time, any high percent alcohol (rubbing, vodka, gin) works good along with the direct pressure for a long time (minutes). don’t clean it directly (with rubbing) for a while because that might open it up again.

Do you drive by any drug stores on the way to the wedding? Pick up a styptic pencil on your way if the bleeding hasn’t stopped.