Need suggestions on how to meet people, and maybe a woman

As many of you know, I am single again. I have been considering what I am going to do. My situation is somewhat strange in that I don’t have a job where I see the same folks every day,I meet all new people, but not for long. That means that I don’t have the same social circle to meet people as most folks. I certainly would like to, and maybe somewhere along the line, a gulp woman. I did meet one a little while ago, and there was a time I thought I had found the “one”. She is the most beautiful, kind, friendly and special person I have ever met. Alas, it was not to be. She has become one of my closest friends, and I am still amazed that she would have anything to do with me. Having her as a friend is better than having most lovers, but that leaves me with the same situation. I need to find more people to be friends with. Somewhere, I might meet a woman who sees something in me she finds interesting.(HA! Yea, right!) I am looking for suggestions on what I might do to meet people. Does anyone have any suggestions? Things that have worked for you? I am 33, and with an average life expectancy of 75 for males in the U.S., that means I have 42 years left. The prospect of spending them alone is…unatractive, yet, unless I do something, seems inevitable. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Try taking a few college courses. Nothing big; you can just sign up for classes that interest you at the local community college. Night classes are perfect if you work during the day; that way, you’ll meet people more your own age with similar interests. Just a thought.

The college classes are a good idea. You might also want to try volunteering for a cause you believe in, or joing a club, or a cooking class. Somewhere wher you could meet people with similar interests. You’ll never find someone if you’re actively “looking.” But if you’re having fun and meeting new friends doing something you enjoy, pretty soon your life will be fun and active, and that’s when the right person will come along. Don’t give yourself a timeline or any pressure to find someone. As a woman, I could always seem to spot the guys who were “looking” . . . they had a bit of an aura of desperation. But the guys who were enjoying themselves and doing their own thing were the ones who were attractive and fun to be with.

Good luck!

Good advice there from Lissa.

It never happens the way it supposed to.
For now enjoy your new found freedom to do things like buy milk WITH fat and wear the same pair of socks twice if you feel so inclined.

Do the things you do , enjoy your singularity. The confidence that comes from knowing where youre at and what you enjoy is an attractive thing.

People tend to gravitate toward people who have confidence and are not defined by their relationships or lack thereof.


Good point, and that’s why the meeting a woman part was second. Unfortunately, my work schedule precludes taking classes at night, or I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Being single stinks, but you learn to live with it, I guess you can make your own decisions! and not get whipped around…well it still sucks being single.

Um, I have seen your pic, and read your posts…
Might I suggest you stand still a moment?

Pfft. I would be all over you in a heart beat!

Let people know you are single and looking… a catch like you wont go un-caught for long.

weirddave, you know you’re my bud, so I’m going to point you to something:

This is SO true. Spend some time with yourself, and I don’t mean by doing, well, you know. That thing that men have a tendency to do whenever they get a few minutes alone with themselves. :wink:

Read books. Watch TV. Clean your house. Tinker with stuff. Broaden your horizions, and learn to appreciate the beauty of being alone. There is a HUGE difference between being alone and being lonely. Stregthen the inner weirddave’s foundations, and soon enough, people will start coming to you. Once your foundation is strong enough, it will support you and the lady of your choice. :smiley:

I just went back to college this semester to meet people. Well, they suck! I don’t know what it is with this batch of students but they seemed to be the most relationship impaired people I have seen in a long time. Sure, I got the email address of about 5 women in the class & sat next to just about all of them eventually. The guys were pretty weird too.

Have fun.

Actually, classes are a good idea. You’re in the DC area, yes? I know that besides college classes there’s lots of other stuff - films clubs at the Smithsonian, e.g.

If that doesn’t work you could move to Minnesota. St. Cloud is kinda nice.

Oh, wait, that’s where I live. :wink: