Netflix users, please read

I’ve been a long-time Netflix user (about a year now) and have generally been happy with them.

Except for one thing. Early on, the showed an impressive inability to actually get the discs from their location to my mailbox. This concerned me and I spoke with them. I thought the situation had been taken care of. Until now.

Today, I received an email from them that essentially calls me a thief. That email, and my response, follow.

I didn’t put this in the Pit because I am not ranting here (though I rant in my response), I am just wanting to give a warning out to other Netflix users who may have had delivery problems in the past (several of my friends had problems concurrent with me).

If this is inappropriate, I leave it to the moderators to close it, or move it to the proper forum.

Their email:

My response:

I joined Netflix about a month ago, and have only reported one disc lost. Of course, it came in the mail the following day.

My only issue with Netflix is one of geography. They’re on the Left Coast. I’m in Maryland. Thus, it takes a few days for things to get from here to there (and vice versa). No big gripe, I’m just spoiled by a .com shipper of mine being in New Jersey and getting two-day service from them.

Thanks for the information, though. I’ll keep it in mind as I continue to use this service.

My one lost disc experience worked out fine. I thought I was going to get accused of theft, but actually got a form reply that said to the effect “thanks for letting us know of the problem…we’ll send out a new disk…let us know if the other shows up.”…which it did about a week later.

But your situation is much worse. If you ask me, it sounds like the problem is USPS related, probably local to you. Each disk has a barcode, so if any were returned as undeliverable, Netflix would be able to credit your account. Hence, the smeared labels should have found their way back home. Since Netflix uses those screaming yellow envelopes, they’re pretty easy to pick out if you know what to look for. The fact that you seem to be a victim here (as opposed to a problem on a larger, national scale) would indicate to me that is local, either your mail person or someone who might have access to your mailbox (not sure what your living arrangements are…apartment, house, two-family house, etc.).

Too bad about the problem. My biggest gripe is that shortly after I signed up, they took away the option to send out the next disk when you put one in the mail to go back. I basically get around this by automatically clicking on the “I sent it back 3 days ago” option, which results in them immediately shipping out next selection.

Good luck!

I’ve been using Netflix for about a year now, but have not had nearly the bad experience you have. I’ve had two lost in the mail, and on the second one I figured out why. As you know, the big yellow perferated part just tears off. Well, I got that part, and not the cd or return portion. Luckily, Netflix received it a couple of days later as undeliverable and resent it out. Sorry to hear about your troubles, but it sounds to me like someone or some ones at your local USPS branch are either thieves or incompetant.

I should mention that I actually have no idea how the post office works internally. I don’t really know how much incompetance or thievery can actually come into play. It’s just a guess.