I just got Neverwinter Nights Gold. While I really enjoy the play of it, the graphics seem really choppy and hesitant on my computer, is there anything I can do to speed things up and make it more fluid? My specs for my computer are WAY over what is mentioned as being required in the manual, so it’s not the hardware, I just think I have something configured wrong.
I’ve found that to run NWN at top speed, you need to close down anything and everything else thats running. it really needs almost every ounce of power you have to run well, and its a greedy program. But well worth it. When you get a chance, check out the Vault online GREAT mods there
I’m well above the specs, as well, but I always seemed to get some choppiness.
The most important thing I did was turn OFF those dynamic shadows. For some reason, that made the difference between 20-30 fps and about 60. It was the most “bang for the buck” graphic option I fiddled with.
I had the exact same problem. New drivers didn’t help me. Worked fine for me under win98. Win2k it doesn’t–chop city. The problem is completely unrelated to system specs. Under win98, I could run it at 1600x1200 with all details cranked and it would be smooth as silk.
If anything, it seems to be related to some sort of bug in the AI coding. Even the latest patches haven’t cleared it up.
Ah, well. I didn’t like the game enough when it was running to spend any more time fixing it. Certainly not enough to reformat my f$#&*(ing hard drive and go back to an older system.
Deke’s Dungeon Crawl was yours? I wanted to play your mod before, Badtz, but I couldn’t find it and forgot about it. I downloaded a handful of mods to try and this one is the one my family loves! I have the vEvil version. I even used the mod to figure out some difficulty I was having with another mod.
I’ve written a few mods but haven’t cleaned them up for submission yet- they are playable, though. If anyone wants them email me and I’ll post them for you. The titles are: Plague of the Dead (low level), Rebuilding (the sequel), The End of Kadyx, the Temple of Elemental Evil (includes Hommlet), Turf Wars, and Underground Siege. (not the poster!)
I tried the driver update to mixed results- I have 3 computers on a home LAN, and the 500 Mhz machines on Windows 98 with Radeon 7000 cards works just right- but the 1.66 Ghz Athlon with Windows XP and the same type card runs slow and choppy. I’m considering upgrading to a better video card, but if its an XP problem, there is no sense doing that. Anyone have a clue?