New and saying hello

I’ve just join and thought it would only be right to say hello :slight_smile:


I’m happy to be the first to welcome you.

(I wanted to do fist bump but it said face punch… oups!)
ETA: It took me so long to post those emojis that lobotomyboy63 beat me to it. :sob:

Hi there! How’s things? :sunglasses:

You were the first to welcome the OP with emojis.

HI, we’re all kind of new here really. :slight_smile:

Welcome, someone will be along shortly with the squid or goats or something. Maybe it’s pie.


@Ryz :wave:t2: And welcome! :coffee:

A very welcome to you, Ryz! What brought you here, may I ask? Any particular interests you’d like to share?

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Well to be honest, I’ve been reading these forums for around 20 years, so I thought it was maybe, possible time to join. :slight_smile:

This was supposed to be a reply to @Elendil_s_Heir, I thought the reply would go under your post.

Welcome! :partying_face:

Everyone can see who you have replied to due to the grey arrow above the text pointing to the avatar of Elendil_S_Heir, whose name can be seen on its right.

So squid and goat pie, not to sure about that, or do I get one of each as a pet? :grinning:

No, the squid gets you as a pet. And we don’t talk about what happens to the goat (or think about it, if we can avoid doing so).

Thank you UY_Scuti, I see what you mean.

Guess I’ll have to learn to swim then! lol

Ok, I won’t mention the goat. :slight_smile:

Welcome! You’ve been lurking almost as long as I’ve been posting - and I thought I was a late bloomer. :wink:

Glad you decided to join at long last. One of us! One of us!

Any particular interests you’d like to share?

Football, music, reading, playing games on my PC and probably other things I can’t remember.

Thank you all for the welcome. :smile: