New cats!

Hey everyone! I’ve been lurking for a few years now, but the fuzzybutts thought it was time I got around to subscribing.

First we have Sumo. He wasn’t cooperating with my camera. He’s about 2 years old and has a lot of poofy fur, which makes him look a lot bigger than he is. Sumo is a sweetheart, but doesn’t play much. I’m ok with that, but the new kids haven’t learned yet. He’ll sometimes get wild and play for maybe 20 seconds, then stops suddenly, like a person that just got caught picking their nose. He’s also a bit clumsy; rather than gracefully hop onto a window ledge, he’d rather barrel on up and crash into the glass.

Now we have the new kids. Two cute, playful (trying to eat my leg) sisters, about 6 weeks old.

They don’t have names yet, since I can’t tell them apart yet, so I mostly just call them “furball” “cutie” and “ow! stop that!”.

All in all, we’re getting along fine.

non of your links work :frowning: Remote Linking Forbidden is what it says.

Links don’t work. You get credit for at least trying to post picturse, but really! Now you’re just being a tease.

Yeah I’m not sure what’s going on with that. I’ve got an upgraded account with them, but for some reason remote linking isn’t working.
Anyone have an alternative for me?

Photobucket, for all of your cat pix needs !

and for those of you who need a hit while Thorny Platypus registers etc, here’s the Lord Pixel Purrbody deciding not to leave the bag !

someone let him out, but he apparently wants to stay in, Bob …

I mean here. :smack:

can’t believe i forgot to link … grumble

Okay, this should work: Cats!
Lord Pixel Purrbody looks an awful lot like Sumo.

OK, that’s better.

Those are some cute kittens! (As if there were any other kind.)

That’s part of their evil plans, methinks. I had my own “squeee!” going, too, 'til one of them jabbed her claw into my nipple.

Now it’s more “awww cu- hey, watch it!” So she swatted my nose, instead. She says she was after her sister’s tail, but I know better. I think I’d better go find them now… it’s too quiet.

except for a patch of white fur on his chest, which I think you can just barely make out here, and another on his belly (no pix of that yet) they could be twins !
and may I be the first to say SQEEEEE ! Kittens !

We’ve gone over this before people.

well, here’s one from below the cat’s eye level.

and mine was at. [/nitpick]

that is a seriously nice cat photograph (as opposed to snapshot) … mine are just snapshots.

The squeakers look so tiny next to Sumo! Cuties!
::no, you cannot have a kitten. You have eight cats, and a husband, all of which will leave you if you get another kitten.::

We have just adopted a beautiful, loving, playful, totally wonderful new kitty, Susie.

I am so grateful that animal rescue organizations exist. This sweet, delicate cat was left to starve by some heartless people who moved away without taking along Susie and her six little kittens. Susie was found, thin as a ghost, hiding under an abandoned house. Her kittens are still being rehabbed. Fortunately, a neighbor noticed the abandoned cat family and called the Pet Adoption League to come and help.

Thanks, but that picture was just a snapshot with a little bit of luck. I look at it and notice how dirty the camera lens was, and Maggie really needed a good brushing.

It’s not worth harping on, of course. I was just surprised and inspired when I found how such a simple thing could make such a difference in the pictures.

All the cats in this thread are adorable, but your Susie is a stunningly beautiful cat.

Thank you! She is gorgeous. We think she must be part Siamese because of her yowly voice, bone structure, and big blue eyes. She’s one of the friendliest, cuddliest cats I’ve ever known. As soon as she sees a human, she rushes over and starts to purr and flirt. It’s hard to believe that anyone could have abandoned this sweetiepie.