Not necessarily literally yelling, but you know, at least putting a yell-like quality into the singing voice.
My wife noticed that she doesn’t listen to much music past the year 2000, and together we deduced that the quality that separates what she listens to from all the music we know of later than 2000 or so is that the music she listens to:
Is angry
About important things
And expresses this anger by yelling.
So… is there music out there she would like that just hasn’t come to her attention? Or has this a pendulum that has not yet swung?
*I’m of half a mind to write a song with those three lines as lyrics. Which is exactly the kind of thing she hates.
There’s tons of music coming out now that could be described that way, but it sure would help if you could suggest a band or two that she’s already into.
I suspect the OP doesn’t mean it in a complimentary fashion.
I dub it the Post Blink 182 (covering George Michael’s faith) period of music and it makes me sad. Sure there’s lots of music that isn’t this way, but our local alternative station, the one I’ve listened to for over 25 years, I now reluctantly call ‘The Angry Boys channel’ and I’m close to switching stations as a result.
The Black Parade album by My Chemical Romance. Sure, people say that they cover death in a superficial way (which I don’t really agree with so much), but you can’t say that they don’t scream and it’s not an important subject.
It seems like she just likes early 90s grunge rock. It’ what was popular during that specific time. I can understand why she doesn’t listen to new music. Grunge died around ’95 or so and was replaced by pop-punk and rap-rock.
As far as new I can only suggest Modest Mouse. Some of their vocals are loud/angry, but I’m not sure what the songs are about. (I never really pay attention). Also, if she’s not already familiar with The Pixies, that would be the first place to start.
I don’t really see much of a difference between hard rock up until around 2007 and the bands you list. Most of them were only faux-earnest because their subject matter wasn’t that deep, either. At least the emo bands and the rage rock bands (when they are singing non-nonsense lyrics,) are singing about personal hurts even if not all their songs are about saving the world.
OTOH, there seems to be a dearth of angry hard rock, period, in the past couple of years or so (I didn’t really notice this till around 2007). So for me it’s not so much a lack of music that’s angry about important things and expresses it by yelling, it’s a lack of music that’s angry and yells.
Is she still listening to Pearl Jam? Because their most recent album (Pearl Jam, 2006) fits the bill pretty well. They have a new album coming out hopefully by this fall that’ll probably deliver as well.