New Member Introduction

Hi Dopers.

Not sure where the best location for this type of post is, so I thought I’d try here.

I’ve been lurking on the boards for the past few weeks and figured it was time to register and officially become a participant.

I am a late twenties man living in Florida with my wife and child. I am a veteran of the USN and am currently employed as the manager of a contracted team of threat intelligence analysts working in a global command center for the security and investigations division of an international financial institution operating in more than 100 countries. I am ambitiously pursuing a promotion to a more senior program management position (fingers crossed).

I like gardening in my tropical landscape, offshore fishing, beaching the boat on a sand bar and drinking too many beers, playing video games…and posting on internet message boards.


Global command center, cool stuff. I operate one out of the center of my living room, but that is very secret and I can’t talk about it. :smiley:

In my spare time I work as an RN, two jobs, one with pediatric clients and another with chemically dependent at risk clients. I also play piano, write music and poetry, and love to read about controversial subjects. Florida would be an awesome place to live, I thinks, Minnesota is crazy sauce right now. Welcome.


Welcome from Australia.


Harmicky, before we proceed, can you give us your coordinates? It’s nothing, really. If you have nothing to hide, you certainly won’t have a problem with this, right?
And, by the way, welcome.

Very cool. My wife is going to school to be an RN.

So, we’re calling them “new members” now? I didn’t get the memo. :confused:

I guess it sounds nicer than “squid food”. :slight_smile:

Welcome, welcome! Please come this way, we have some ice-cream treats in the cooler on the left.

(Please don’t open the cooler on the right. Bob down in Department 4 gets a little testy when newbies do that before the appropriate time.)

Well played, sir. Welcome!

Welcome! We need more Floridians here. Are you from the crazy part, the part that makes the news for being crazy, or southern part up north? I guess there may be other options.

(I’m in the part that makes the news for being crazy…Miami/Fort Lauderdale area)

I spent a week or so in Miami in 1977. It was a lot like Coney Island of the time… it’s where elderly Jewish couples go and give birth to Hispanic teenagers.

Still pretty much true today. Plus some other nationalities that are sometimes mistaken for Hisapnic.

I hate being mistaken for Hisapnic. Having sleep apnea is bad enough without being labled as Hisapnic.

Welcome to the SDMB, Harmicky.

That puts a whole new spin on the mutterings of the Russians about using a nuke to disrupt the hole of the Deepwater Horizon’s well during the oil spill.

Oops. I mean…yeah…I meant that, as a super deep commentary on South Florida.
Yeah…that’s the ticket…

Thanks for the welcomes, all. Yes, I live in the crazy part of Florida (isn’t it all?).


Based on your location you have already been introduced to the squid. Don’t get too cocky - the goat is in a particularly foul mood today and you are fortunate to have an RN close by.

Oh, and greetings from West Africa. :cool:

Greetings Harmicky! Enjoy your stay in this twisted portion of the Internet. The fact you appear to have a sense of humour is a huge bonus, and will greatly facilitate your…integration… into our little family. Please note the exit doors have been secured for your safety and convenience.

Harmicky came in February of last year-the thread was bumped by a now-banned spammer.

And Harmicky has made a total of only 5 posts and hasn’t posted since November.