NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 3)

It feels good to get back on the horse once in a while.
Spam reported.

“Nuh uh! I know you are but what am I?”

Republican who got fired by Republicans whines that successful popular Democrat never asked him for advice.

McCarthy: I have been the leader of the Republican Party and the Speaker. Never once did Kamala Harris ask “What are your ideas, what should we do?”

Umm Kevin? If you need to be asked then you are not competently leadering.

As opposed to Trump, who routinely conferred with Nancy Pelosi to tap her decades of wisdom and experience.

From the same interview: Kamala couldn’t even be bothered to campaign in Iowa when she was running for (checks notes) Attorney General of California.

Couchfucker the Misogynist blorts the Russians returned the prisoners hastily due to fear of an imminent re-ShitGibboning of the WH. The gave them back because whiny diaper babyman is so macho :roll_eyes:

But I thought Putin was going to help trump out because they’re buddies, not because they’re afraid of him. Gosh, I can’t keep the lies straight. And neither can they!

NC gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson: Abortion is genocide and women who get them are depraved sluts
Also Mark Robinson: My wife got an abortion after we were married

The stupid here appears to be the Log Cabin Republicans who think that the GOP is changing their policies about LGBTQ PEOPLE or same-sex marriages.

So his wife killed a child because she wasn’t responsible enough to keep her skirt down? *


*For those who don’t live in NC and haven’t seen the commercial running on TV every 10 minutes, there is a clip of him saying that about women that get abortions.

There just might be a very good reason for that, McCarthy. Let’s see how long it takes for you to realize what that reason is.

Well, duh. He’s a Republican, the party that is the fount of all wisdom, don’t you know. She’s a [vapors]Democrat[/vapors]

Amazing, isn’t it, how the pubbies continue to put people who evidently know nothing about our government in their party’s leadership positions?

He wasn’t so mach when he didn’t do anything when at least one of them (wasn’t it?) got incarcerated during his tenure.

And he didn’t do anything to stop her? Doesn’t that mean he agreed with it?

“I’m not weird,” Trump said in his weird voice, waving his weird little hands about. In his usual weird fashion, Trump then told a weird story that had no discernible point to it.

What a weirdo.

Heh. So it’s clearly getting under his thin skin. Keep it up, Dems, make him blurt out his denials again and again. That will help cement the label to him.

This is like watching Kirk and Michael Ansara laugh balls of light off the Enterprise.

It’s almost like a Doctor Seuss story.

Lyn’ Cryin’ Donald claims in a post-midnight tweet that he has agreed to debate Harris on Fox News with “a full arena audience”, and if you believe that I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

From your link:

In a separate post, Trump accused Democrats of unconstitutionally — and “unceremoniously” — swapping President Joe Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris.

I’m starting to get the impression he hasn’t actually read the Constitution… /s

It wasn’t written in Sharpie. Needs more Pictures.