New Terminator trailer

I swear to god I thought they had given up on this clusterfuck of a franchise.

Dark Fate gets the old band back together. It is the sixth movie in the franchise but it should be called Terminator Too. A too old Ahnold. A too old Linda Hamilton. A too not directing James Cameron.

I can’t even begin to imagine the story since they have made such a hash of the whole thing.

Anyone interested?

Apparently this is jettisoning everything outside of Terminator 1 and 2. The trailer looks good, and I like Gabriel Luna and Mackenzie Davis, so I might give it a shot when it eventually is on HBO.

Random plot prediction based on nothing but the trailer: John Connor dies, but that young woman ends up taking his place so that’s why she’s being hunted.

I’m looking forward to seeing Linda and Arnold working together again.

She looks bad ass. Cameron is producing. This may be pretty good.

The liquid metal Terminator looks even more powerful this time.

I’m getting an Alien Resurrection vibe with that new Terminator girl.

It’s probably going to be passable and I’m going to see it for sure. Haven’t missed one yet.

I couldn’t even make it through that trailer. It was tedious.

I get that Arnold would be in it, but why is he any older than in T2?

Other than the line about how long their battery lasts in T2, I do not recall any establishment in the first 2 movies that the T-800 doesn’t age. At least, organically. It would not make sense for a T-1000 to age, except as part of it’s shape shifting ability.

I imagine the organic layer could “die” of old age and the exoskeleton underneath keep going strong.

I assume that’s what their explanation would be.

The franchise has potential. But I think a reboot would be a better way to go.

Maybe pair Gal Gadot up with Dwayne Johnson.

I watched the trailer and it doesnt look bad… the only negative I saw was the bad terminator actor… it really didnt convince me was badass.

Based on the trailer, this movie seems to be a 90-minute car chase. I’m not interested.


Not looking for continuity, just violence, explosions, fight scenes. I’ve enjoyed the other five, too, each in their own way. But then, it seems I am easily amused.

Er… because Arnold himself is in his 70’s now instead of around 40 and de-aging CGI still generates uncanny valley side effects. Reality drives the “plot”

Holy crap, I would watch the shit out of that.

So you didn’t care for One and Two, which were basically car chases?

My predictions. First, John is somehow dead and the Hispanic girl is the new Sarah Connor. Second, killing the latest T-1000 variant will require water.

Ummm Arnold better be doing more than just answering a door for this movie to be worth seeing, it looks like he’s barely in it at all. I don’t think most people liked it but I did enjoy Genisys as far as popcorn type flick, but if James Cameron is producing I would hope for something badass, this looks sort of phoned in or they didn’t make a good trailer.

I wonder if Arnold is a Terminator in this film?

Maybe he’s the guy they used to mold the Terminators?

The vibe I get from this thread is that the naysayers have made up their minds without really knowing much about the movie. I’m going to actually watch it first before passing judgment.

I am saying nay because it looks like a 100 other movies I already saw.

I would never have imagined that the quirky satellite tracking girl from “The Martian” would end up playing a cyborg in a Terminator movie…

There were a few points in that trailer, in the CGI fight scenes, that immediately made me think of the burly brawl in the 2nd Matrix film.

That is not a compliment.