News of the weird

A man in Dillingham, Alaska, after being punched in the head, blows his nose and his eyeball pops out. I’ve never heard of such a thing.

You just have to love life in The Bush!

I suppose they’ll now make a drink with the eyeball in it, a la the Sourtoe Cocktail in the Yukon. They could call it The Eyeball Highball.

Eye pops from a blow to the head do happen. Here’s the Vader vs. Stan Hansenmatch from Japan where Vader’s eye popped in the middle of the match. I’m not sure but I think the injury occurs at around 3:30 followed by a clinch. Some people say the eye actually popped when Vader pulled his mask off a little later when the mask hooked his eye.

Okay, that made me feel funny in my scrotal area.

I saw this on an episode of real tales of the ER. It wasn’t a serious as I would have thought, the ER doctor had no idea what to do. He called another doctor over and that guy just sort of shoved the eyeball back in no problem.

My brother-in-law as a young teen played on a baseball team against a kid whose eye popped out. He said the kid pushed it back in like it was no big deal, said it happened frequently.

Oh God! I’ve been laughing for 3 minutes here! I’m a terrible person. Or maybe I’m just due for my meds. :smiley:

(I’ve got to stop watching stuff like Hannibal and American Horror Story!)

Poor guy! Seriously, I’m ashamed. I read the article to make sure he was okay, but they only said he had to have surgery. Google didn’t turn up any kind of update.

At least he’s being cared for, and the guy who attacked him is being charged.

it’s a type of occurrence of the Tex Avery syndrome.

He may never meet the other guy again, but best to keep an eye out for him anyway.