Night of the Return of the Son of the Revenge of the Thursday Night NYC Dope Dinners

How the hell did this happen? I saw my post, I opened it, I verified it, etc. This blows.

Anyway, Since certain people are going to be moving away, and since my birthday is on the 30th, and since we didn’t make it to the Jersey dopefest, I propose a continuation of the NYC Thursday Night Dope Dinners.

Date is this Thursday, Oct 24.

Place is to be determined. One of you NYC people will have to recommend a good place. Or else Blondie’s is as good as any. :slight_smile:

And I need one of the actual New Yorkers to put their stamp of approval on this, to make it official. Billdo? Vix? Dr Matrix or Cajun Man? Manhattan?

Anyway, I’d really like to see you guys this week. Come one come all.

:: STAMP ::

That sounds great. I’ll be a little late, but I’ll there.

I’m always up for Blondies, though anyplace reasonably priced would work.

Solly, Chollie. Thursdays just don’t work any more. Have fun without us.


Thursday? Thursday!? Don’t you people work?

Perhaps if it was near my home. . . nah, nobody ever wants to come to Brooklyn.

I’ll be there. If anyone wants to see Biggirl cry, this would be your chance!

I’m in. Another vote for cheap and in Brooklyn. Though I’d settle for cheap and in Manhattan.

Brooklyn is fine by me, but youse guys (see the Jersey affectation? :D) need to suggest someplace, since I don’t know what’s there.

Another vote for Manhattan; Blondie’s would be fine by us.

[chortle] Biggirls don’t cry … [chortle]

I see your Blondies and I raise you a Chumleys.

I’d swing Brooklyn in the mix, but I don’t have a recommendation. The Gate? La Cafe Tabla Rasa?

I’m in either way. See y’all then!

Sorry, I’ve got tickets to Happy Days at the Cherry Lane that night.

But Happy Birthday!

Oh great, now we’re immoderate.
8 > P

Ok, since it’s tomorrow, I guess we need to get a consensus.

Here’s the voting (not counting myself):

Blondies: 3
Chumley’s: 1
Generic Manhattan: 2
Generic Brooklyn: 3

I counted multiple votes and counted DrMatrix and Cajun Man as two separate votes.

So…Looks like Blondies, unless you guys prefer Chumley’s, as suggested by Ace0Spades.

So let’s decide. Ready? Go!

You can count me as a strong voice for Blondies. I think a bunch of people sitting around a table sharing wings is the way to go.

Also, Ace, we won’t be immoderate. DrMatrix and Cajun Man will be, as usual, the voices of moderation.

Ok, for the sake of making a decision so that we’re all on the same page, let’s make it officially for Blondie’s, with the option to migrate elsewhere if we get the desire.

We are bringing a couple of non-dope strangers who are from out of the country and don’t like America because there’s no fun stuff to do. So we thought the NY Dope scene would be a good introduction to the fun to be had in the US. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Oh yeah, how about a time? Let’s make it for the usual time (about 7-ish?), but I won’t be able to get there until about 7:30 or 8.


The gentlemen from Park Slope would like to filibuster…

There are gentlemen in Park Slope?

Point them out to me so’s I can run 'em outta the neighborhood on a rail.

I’ll come. That would be the 79th Street Blondies, yes?