I just saw this on the news today, and I figured it was a good topic to discuss. (I’ll try to find a cite later on.)
I may get some of the details wrong, but here is the gist of it: It turns out that some private school in NY has decided to not let the kids (grade school age) do any crafts or things for Mother’s or Father’s Day. Apparently (according to one news source) a gay father (who is raising the kid with his partner) complained that his kid felt left out by all of this fuss over Mother’s Day. So, the principal has decided to not allow the kids to do anything special for Mother’s or Father’s Day, to be sensible to the feelings of these kids who come from alternative families.
The debate goes both ways on this. I saw some debate about it on a news analysis show. One person said this will turn off people that have always be tolerant of gay rights, because they will see this as an attempt to “squelch” something they feel is important. A gay guest said that he was not really against what the principal decided to do, but if it were his decision, he would have probably made the event “Parent’s Day” instead of just getting rid of it.
Frankly, I am torn on this issue. I do see it as Political Correctness run amok, but on the other hand, I don’t think the idea of “Parent’s Day” is all that bad. (I find it to be a tolerable solution to any gay couple who may have ruffled feathers about their kids feeling left out.)
So - what say the rest of you?