Non-scented hand lotion

For some reason my hands have been very dry lately (a problem I’ve never had before). I’ve got some lotion that I got in some hotel room. It works, but I can’t stand the scent. Does anyone make non-scented lotion?


Try Nivea or Dove? Nivea has a bit of smell (the cream smells different than the liquid) but isn’t purposefully scented AFAIK and it’s a favorite with the guys because of the lack of smell, as well as apparently being specially good for delicate skins (I have a friend whose eczema is calmed by Nivea, Nivea or Nivea - nothing else works); Dove makes scent-free items for pretty much any kind of item they sell.

I will second nivea, I hate hand lotion that makes my hands feel gunked up and the need to wipe them off [i am an inveterate eye rubber, and nothing stings like getting lotion in ones eyes =( ]

It does have a bit of a scent, but it doesn’t linger for long unlike other lotions.

Nivea can be bought in a tiny size at Minimus dot biz if you would like to try it and cant find a tester bottle anywhere.

Husband chimed in with a preference for Curel original lotion. Minimusalso sells that in tiny size as well.

Aveeno has several products that are scentless.
Straight Arrow (Mane ‘n’ Tail) has Hoofmaker, which is slightly scented, but doesn’t get up my nose like some.
Cornhuskers used to be around, but haven’t seen it lately.
There is another, but I can remember the distibutor, they were all about no advertising except word-of-mouth, which had a whole linie of products from sunscreen to shampoo that were non-scented, non-dyed. (Shows you how well word-of-mouth really works?)

Neutrogena also makes unscented hand lotion. Try hitting the hand/body lotion section of a drugstore, and look specifically for hand lotions; I’m sure you should find a good selection.

The Body Shop," Hemp Hand Protector." A heavy duty moisturization, protection and repair for extremely dry skin. Ecellant for hands that work in cold wet climates. " Norwegian Formula" Body moisturizer (fragrance free) also very good.

I like Eucerin Dry Skin Therapy Plus Intensive Repair Hand Creme. There’s hardly room on the tube to fit that whole name on there, but it’s good stuff. Also Eucerin Dry Skin Therapy Original Moisturizing Creme, which is a little richer.

Seconding Aveeno products - especially nice for sensitive skin, and many retailers sell generic versions that are just as good, for a considerable cost savings. I like the availability of the large pump bottle, since it can be so awkward to juggle tube or bottle, plus cap, after squeezing lotion onto my hand. (Mind you, I have a small wiggly baby, so I’m a bit short on hands these days…) Added advantage (to me) of Aveeno-ish product is that I can use it on myself or on the baby, and my husband uses it on his surgery scar, and no one breaks out in hives.

WalMart versions sitting in my bathroom, kids’ bathroom, on desk in home office, next to kitchen sink, and on my desk at work.

I’m extremely allergic to a number of things. I stick with Cornhuskers Lotion, which has a fragrance that I don’t particularly like (though my boyfriend does) and Neutrogena Norwegian Formula hand cream which is fragrance free.

Both are glycerin based and oil free. Cornhuskers is cheap as hell, too.

I buy them at Kroger.

Yeah, there’s a bazillion options at yer local friendly drugstore. Just look for “fragrance-free” on the packaging, and then go from there. Stuff that has shea butter and/or cocoa butter and/or jojoba and/or aloe is very helpful for winter skin.

When I want a fragrance free moisturizer, I just rub Vaseline on my hands. It doubles as chapstick, too.

I use Lubriderm. It is frangrance free and works pretty well.

CVS’s brand comes in unscented. I like it alot.

Vanicream has only a faint odor of alcohol when first put on, but then no scent whatsoever.

I’ve noticed that it seems the cheaper a lotion is, the more likelyhood of the “fragrance” making me gag. Vanicream is not cheap.

Must be a guy thing. I like Curel as well, and they do have a fragrance free, which I prefer.

This is what I use. It’s got alpha hydroxy acids in it, which exfoliates dead skin cells and deeply moisturizes the new skin underneath. I’ve got a patch of peeling, dry skin on my thumb that is healing up nicely with this hand cream and the smell is almost non-existant.

Avon makes a hand cream called ‘Silicone Glove,’ that has a very light scent, and more importantly, soaks in almost instantly. So you can actually use it as frequently as you should without standing around waiting for your hands to un-greasy themselves.

Or so I’ve heard. From a lady. Because, obviously, I’m far to manly to ever use an Avon product. But I’d imagine you’d have to order it from them. Or have a lady do it for you. I have to imagine, of course, because I don’t know!


Beeswax hand lotion by Clapham’s.

It is the best lotion.
