Yes, it’s big news in China.
Good thing they have The Onion to rely on.
Yes, it’s big news in China.
Good thing they have The Onion to rely on.
Oh, Jesus.
That is a win.
Kim Jong – Unsexiest man alive.
Got it.
Stupid Commies!
Here’s a Guardian story on this.
To ensure Kim Jong Un retains his title of Sexiest Man Alive, North Korea has enacted a law requiring all cute babies to be killed at birth.
Which explains why the North Koreans invaded Spokane. They were really trying to get Chris Hemsworth (#3 People’s Sexiest Man Alive, 2012). Channing Tatum and Blake Shelton should be worried.
Now all we need is for the onion to run with it…
An entire freaking country and no one competent barber or tailor.
People’s Daily Online - The Best Newspaper Alive!
::sigh:: Some guys just have it all.
He looks like one of the stooges with a really bad wig. Even for them.
They have.
From The Onion:
UPDATE: For more coverage on The Onion’s Sexiest Man Alive 2012, Kim Jong-Un, please visit our friends at the People’s Daily in China, a proud Communist subsidiary of The Onion, Inc. Exemplary reportage, comrades.
BBC TV has picked this up. It’s among the stories at the top-of-the-news hour round-up, and they’re pointing fingers and laughing. Hope some poor editor at the People’s Daily doesn’t get sent to a reeducation camp for this.
Fired yes, reeducation camp doubtfull.
The New York Times picked it up too!
Kim Jong-un Seems to Get a New Title: Heartthrob
Something Missing in Chinese Newspaper’s Entirely Accurate Summary of Onion Report
Man, BBC is really going to town on this. They’re still going on about it. Right now, they’re interviewing a Chinese journalist about how the People’s Daily could fall for this sort of thing.
Well, to be fair, they also quoted election predictions from Fox News during the election…so what is the difference between taking info from Fox News or The Onion?
Aaaand it all goes back to… THE ONION!
You’ve got to admit the photo they’re running is a good one - shows strength, nobility, refinement, grace. Pity about the rider, though.
(Glamor photos involving horses are pretty notorious for showing poorly cared for creatures in badly fitting tack that are visibly pissed off. Whatever else you might say about Kim Jong-Un, the horse is wearing well-fitting tack, a mild bit, and looks well cared for. And he’s not hauling on the reins.)