Of course it doesn't enlarge your penis but ...

For the past year or so, I’ve been bombarded with advertisements for these Longitude penis enlargement capsules. Of course, there’s no way to actually enlarge one’s penis, but I started wondering what these pills would actually do, if anything. Does anyone know – do these things contain caffeine or vitamins or some other benign substance to make the taker feel better somehow? Is it possible that it could be harmful in any way? I’d offer a link to their Web site (http://www.longitudecapsules.com), but it seems to indicate the company is in receivership. Anyway, you’ll find the ads in any magazine. Even with the bankruptcy, the seem to still be advertising.

I should say, “any men’s magazine.”

I think they’re being investigated for fraud.

That specific company was recently busted. Where the hell I read this, I don’t know…obscurestore, maybe? FTC, I believe. They probably contain something like ephedra, which might make you feel a little good, but isn’t particularly good for you.

[standard silly answer]

I disagree… there is a fool-proof way to enlarge your penis. I can’t give away the copy-written details, but it involves a person to whom you are sexually attracted and stimulation. Works for me, anyway.


Keeping a perfectly straight face…


“Don’t waste your money on our competitor’s penis enlargement snake oil treatment! Waste it on ours!” :smiley:

Anyway, then there’s a list of ingredients that both Longitude and Extend have, which includes:

Oat Straw

I know what oat straw and zinc are. L-arginine is an amino acid. Yohimbe is a supposedly aphrodisiac tree bark. Maca is a supposedly aphrodisiac root.


As far as I can tell, yohimbe does not contain caffeine.

And as for maca containing caffeine, I found this, which I am still puzzling over.

So what you’re saying is I’m better off sticking to my tiger-penis soup?

So is any of this stuff actually harmful?

Well the straw might scratch your throat up a bit going down…

I saw a thing on HBO last night where guys had plastic balls sewn into their penis so the women would be ever-so pleasured and they would be studly in the eyes of their pals. Lumpy dicks. Go figure.

L-argenine is an amino associated with male sex drive…
After years of studying various facets of nutrition, that is a rep I’ve learned that L-Argenine now has…

…I believe the human body cannot make L-argenine, so it is an “essential” amino acid…something you must consume for you body to make/use protein.

The other 'crap" is this root or that leaf, meaning that since it ain’t synthetic, the FDA doesn’t have to bless it.

Boob enhancers and penis enhancers that are ‘natural’ fly under the FDA radar.

“Of course, there’s no way to actually enlarge one’s penis”

Actually, this can be done with surgery.

From what I understand, current surgical methods aren’t necessarily safe or reliable and aren’t sufficient to produce what most would consider satisfactory results.

What kind of marketing department do they have? You’ve got to list that as “larginine”.