Oh God...I think I'm giving up on Enterprise

It happened last Wednesday. I discovered I would rather watch DS9 on Spike than Enterprise.

I just don’t find myself caring about the characters on Enterprise. I watched it Sunday, mainly because I’ve watched Star Trek, since I was a wee ivysprig, so much so I could identify the title of a TOS episode from the opening sequence. I felt like I was abandoning the franchise.

I feel like I’m betraying them…but then again, maybe they betrayed me, first.

Anyone else feel this way, or am I just unusually wrapped up in a tv show? (as Ivylass would no doubt opine…)

Sorry, that should be “as Ivylad would no doubt opine.” I’m not turning into Bob Dole, promise!

You lasted about a year and a half longer than me, go enjoy DS9, you’ve paid your dues.

I too am watching DS9 on SpikeTV, and the difference in quality between that and Enterprise is pretty staggering. I’m giving the new show till the end of the season to convince me, as it’s had a marginal but noticeable uptick in quality over the last half dozen episodes or so, but it’s definitely on the bubble.

Hell, at least you’re dropping it for other Trek, and a really good show.

I dropped Enterprise a while back. For what, you ask? Smallville.

Smallville is pretty bad. Whiny psuedo-teens abound. Still better than Enterprise. I felt pretty bad about that one for awhile.

I liked Star Trek.
I really liked Star Trek: The Next Generation.
I liked Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
I wanted to like Star Trek Voyager, but after the season two opener, I just said the hell with it and quit watching, for the most part. I caught a few episodes after that, but it was hardly ever worth a damn.
I tried to like Star Trek: Enterprise, because the wife’s a big Scott Bakula fan, but this show just… eesh. I mean, we’ve gone about as far from *Star Trek * as we can and still be trying to re-animate the franchise. Time to let it sit for a decade or so and build up its strength again before trying to do anything further…

What the hell happened? Did the writers forget Roddenberry’s vision?

Maybe it’s because DS9 is back, and we can see how far things have deteriorated. Enterprise is just so cardboard. Bland, dull, flavorless, and flat.


Oh…I like Enterprise. :frowning:

Enterprise is the first Star Trek series I’ve really embraced, since . . . oh, forever. I did watch the first one (with Spock, Kirk, etc.) and knew all the episodes by heart, but that was ages ago.

It’s not anything about the quality of the others (ST-TNG, DS9, ST-V), it’s just me. I had some emotional block against the others (too long and strange to explain here—I started watching SG-TNG the year when a Really Bad Thing happened in my life, and for some odd reason I’ve always subconciously associated ST with the Really Bad Thing).

Well, finally I shed that hang-up. Finally. With Enterprise. And I’m really enjoying watching it.

Is it the best Star Trek? Oh, surely not. But it’s the first that I’ve had the heart to follow, and I’m glad about that. I sure hope it has a 4th season.

I always thought that one of the better things about DS9 was their willingness to ignore Roddenberry’s vision.

Enterprise was my first exposure to Trek - back when I was an ingenuous swallower of even the most contrived plots. Then I saw DS9 on a really local channel that probably went broke to buy it and showed it from 11-12PM (!?!?), but unfortunately I missed season seven. From what I saw, the stories were great, but for some reason it didn’t feel real.

(Don’t ask - my mind is weird. When I watch Enterprise, even when the acting is atrocious I still have that childlike conviction that what is happening on screen is happening inside that big metal lollipop, while on DS9 it seems like a bunch of people talking on various soundstages.)

I think Season 3 has been significantly better than season 2, especially since the Azati prime uptick. So…I guess the point of my rather incoherent post is that I like it, and I’ll likely stay onboard.