I’ve been trying to watch every single episode of Star Trek over the past three years and I finally arrive at Star Trek: Enterprise. I’ve caught bits of it on cable reruns, but I don’t think I’ve ever sat through an entire episode.
What say the Doper community? Does it take a long time to get going such as DS9 did? I was very tempted to abandon DS9 during the first two seasons. Does it start slow, but have good moments such as TNG? Does it knock you out such as Star Trek: The Orignial Series? I’m one of the few who thought Voyager started good and just got better, but that’s just my opinion.
It never gets as good as DS9. There are a good episodes scattered thoughout the series, but it gets better in season 4. One word of warning; DO NOT watch the final episode “These Are the Voyages” under any circumstances! It is an abomination and the writers derseve to have their hands cut off :mad: ! Nothing else in the history of Star Trek compares to how bad it is. It’s one of the worst pieces of trash ever aired on American television.
I didn’t watch the first two seasons. I was sucked in by the splashy arc they launched to right the ship (so to speak) in the third season, and I thought it was executed very well.
Season 1 had some decent moments.
Season 2 started with a good episode or two, then degenerated into total horribleness for most of the bulk of the season, until perhaps the very end.
Season 3 arc was decent, although there were a few stinker episodes mixed in.
Season 4 had a lot of good ones – I’m still working on that one, haven’t watched them all. But several good sequences of 3-episode story arcs.
Interesting, I thought that the first two seasons were the only ones worth while. I kept expecting more of TOS type stuff and ended up with Voyager type stuff.
IMHO, Season 1 was decent but uneven; Season 2 was dreck; Season 3 was mostly good with just a few stinkers; Season 4 was almost good and seemed to be trying to “fix” a lot of what went wrong in Seasons 1-2 (in terms of continuity). But there were a lot of wasted opportunities in Season 4, also. I always felt that if they had allowed it to continue, it would have continued to slowly improve, but we’ll never know.
I watched the first few episodes when they premiered, but I couldn’t take the stupidity and gave up. Trek has never been anything remotely like hard SF, but Enterprise still managed to utterly destroy my suspension of disbelief. The blatant fanservce pissed me off too (some Dopers call it “panda”, I call it fanservice, uh huh). All in all, I’ll stick with my TNG box sets. I might give DS9 another go; the Dominion stuff looked pretty cool.
I’ve been watching through the series myself, slowly, and guess which episode’s next? There’s some motivation for you…
I’m convinced it’s worth plowing through, at least so I can get to the awesome Tholian/mirror universe stuff which I missed when it was on TV, but I have season 4 Stargate calling my name, too…
If I may be permitted a slight hijack: dalej42, how are you watching all the episodes? Did you buy the DVDs? I’m toying with doing exactly what you’re doing, but I lack funds.
I don’t recall seeing you in the original thread, but the reaction at the time was fairly mixed. Some liked it, some didn’t. And, oddly, I don’t seem to have posted in the thread, so I have no idea what I thought of it.
(Some of those old discussions are pretty funny on a years-later re-read. Interesting how hard we had to work to entertain ourselves because the actual show was so lacking. In any event, for anyone watching the show for the first time, it might be amusing to search up our old threads and see how we responded at the time.)
I’m with others here who say that the last two seasons were stronger overall than the first two. I will also echo the person who warned against watching the finale, which was really just a TNG ep. and poorly, wretchedly, stupidly done at that.
I was a huge Trek nerd during my teen years and pretty much breathed Trek from about 1992 to 2000 but the last two series and every *TNG *movie except First Contact basically destroyed my enthusiasm for the franchise but if you were able to make it through (and enjoy) Voyager, I think you will at least tolerate Enterprise. It wasn’t bad, per se, but it wasn’t particularly good, either and if it weren’t for the weekly discussions here (and vivalostwages’ generosity, which I really need to repay), I doubt I would’ve ever bothered.
You really should. The last half of DS9 was the best Trek ever written.