I’ve just discovered this site and (mainly out or morbid curiosity) signed up to it. I’ll pass on my thoughts about it after I’m able to log in and see what kind of people are on here. Whilst I’m trying not to be prejudiced and assume everyone on it is a self-absorbed arsehole the odds aren’t really looking good are they?
Thank goodness it only supports Internet Explorer, eh?
At leat the goods aren’t looking ODD HAR DEE HAR HARRR :rolleyes:
sorry. couldn’t resist.
Yes, odd that. I had to upgrade to IE7 just to access it (which was a pain as I use mozilla). I’m also having signficant problems logging into it, and the site (as far as I can tell, without being voted as a member I have a lot of restrictions on my access) doesn’t seem to have any differentiation of members based on sexuality. A wonderful place to meet gorgeous people it may be, but if they’re all hetro (or unable to indicate that they’re not) it’s not much use to me.
Well I’ve got 14 hours left in the “voting window” that you get (three days from your profile being approved) and it’s a resounding “no” from the female population of beautifulpeople.net as to whether I should be accepted to the site.
I can’t say I’m too crushed by this given that a) I’m gay, and only realised too late that the site doesn’t recognise gay people and not too bothered about being seen as attractive by women (in that the technology only lets men look at women and vice versa) and b) the picture I used came out of a modelling shoot that I did, so I’m not struggling with a negative physical self image or anything, plus I’ve used it on personal sites before and never struggled with getting positive results (I know I know, the lady doth protest too much…).
Admittedly it’s always nice to have validation (no matter how meaningless that may be) but I think I’ll stick to gaydar or gay.com for more productive votes of confidence in my attractiveness. Still this site looks potentially good if you’re straight and interested in only hooking up with other very fit people given that it’s strictly members only - and the pics I’ve seen show these are VERY fit people from what I can tell (maybe my reach extended my grasp in this one ).
Well. Only geeks use Firefox. And we know that geeks are not beautiful people.
Ah, so that’s where I went wrong. I guess it’s my own fault for ignoring that warning that flashed up before I went into that talkboard set up to discuss the implications of the Freedom of Information Act applying in the UK last week. It’s true that I’m far less attractive now that I’m permanently cursed to wear an anorak (I’ve even had an exorcism performed on me to get it to come off, but it didn’t work!), but I guess hindsight is 20/20…
Just goes to show that beautiful and smart don’t come in the same chromosome–not only does it demand I use IE, it thinks I’m using Netscape. Their loss, eh?
Amen to that fetus - in my experience the truly gorgeous don’t need to be intelligent, so they often aren’t (although I’ve also met people with whom the two went together well, so I won’t generalise).
I only signed up to it because it was mentioned in an article I read on internet dating and it sounded interesting (I also had the “you are using netscape” warning even though I use firefox), so I reiterate that no-one needs to offer me support in case I do “something stupid” as a result of being rejected.
“Or create a new complementary profile.” So the profile isn’t free, nor does it tell you just how beautiful you are.
Would I be pinpointing myself as a geek if I point out that there is a button that says:
and that you CAN look at it in FireFox?
There’s also www.hotenough.org
Firefox friendly.
Well, if they’re gonna start out insulting my browser, I’m not gonna stick around for them to insult my looks. Their loss.
They’re even snooty about their type of browser! Funny, says the Firefox-lover.
You have *got *to change your name, fetus. I’m looking around madly going “*What *fetus?”
Yes you can, but the site doesn’t work properly (its sized all wrong and doesn’t pop correctly the way it does using IE) so there isn’t much point trying. I agree with panache45 - love me love my browser.
I’ve signed up to see if I can slip under their radar. I’m strong enough for it not to bother me when I get rejected…I think.
Taken from this screen grab, I’d say it’s a pretty awful looking site.
“Does this browser make my ass look fat?”
Well, did they let you in?
I’m also going to give it a whirl. Why the fuck not?