Oh, my heart! I got an interview!

Algernon, you are a sweetie and a weetie. Thank you for your speculation on the problem and for your kind words. I wish you were here so I could hug you. :smiley:

I have a third guess. The position specifically requests that the applicant have a four-year degree. I don’t have one. Perhaps the other applicant does and HR told the hiring manager that she must offer them the job first.

/me is still sending good vibrations.

If you get the new job, send me your new email

I’m blushing, even though I don’t know what a weetie is.

Me too. Although right now you’d have to watch out for my stinger.

(I’m here at work dressed up as a bumblebee, ala Saturday Night Live. I just got done handing out candy to all employees. People sure react strangely to the CIO dressed as a bumblebee. Do they think I’m supposed to act all grown up or something? I think my legs look pretty nice in these black tights.)

Obviously you’ve received no word yet. We’re all on pins and needles here. Wishing you good fortune!

Gazelle, at* least *give us a “nothing yet” update!

Hey guys. Nothing yet.

Except that on Friday, she send me another item to edit! It was a confusing letter to clients explaining various changes to their accounts. I whipped it into shape and sent it back… She wrote back “Great job!” and said that she’d let me know on Monday.

It’s Tuesday. Nothing yet.

Holy interview process from HELL, Batman!

Drat. I got the subscription notification that you (Gazelle) had posted here and got all excited. I tore open the bag of confetti and was about to open the bottle of champagne… and the page loaded.


The bottle goes back on ice until further word.

Hang in there.
(By the way, survey says… nine out of ten companies have an interview process that is broken in some way. No, I don’t have a cite. Just personal experience.)

Drat is right.

Oh and Algernon, your description of Halloween cracked me up. A CIO in a bumblebee costume… High-larious.

<channeling John Belushi>I’m a kang bay, I’m a kang bay baby…</channeling John Belushi>

Jeez, I’m scanning down to the bottom, and I saw the word “drat” - I thought it was a negative on the job.

So I’m relieved that you haven’t yet heard. 'Cause for a moment I thought you had.

scoutybobouty… you’re a sweetie weetie too.

This waiting is very annoying. I vacillate between “F*ck it, I don’t want the damn thing.” and “If I don’t get it, I’m going to tear the hiring manager a new one over this process.” and “Man, this job is gonna be so COOL! I want it so BAD!”

The good news is that I’ve kinda gotten used to this state of limbo; my sleep is no longer being interrupted by thoughts of Did I get it? No. Yes! No. Maybe! What if I got it? What are we going to do about commuting? I’m going to miss working downtown… ad infinitum


Still no word.

Oh, Gazelle, that sucks. Well, that does it. I’m simply going to sit here with my eyes crossed all day. That’ll get 'em to respond.

And I do agree that it sound like there was an internal candidate that applied that has to be considered first from a legal standpoint and they may be trying to figure out a way to work around that. (And they would not be able to tell you that. )

Keeping things crossed for you to hear good news soon.

Gazelle, hang in there. If they have to go through the process of offering it to another candidate (internal or otherwise), a wait of a week or more may not be unreasonable. The wait is frustrating, but not necessarily bad news.

As for not being their “first choice”, I had kind of a similar experience in getting my current (dream) job. I found out during the first week at this job that of the three candidates who made the final interview, I got the offer not because I was the most qualified, but actually because I was the least qualified. Apparently the other two had more experience and ambition and the firm thought they would soon be bored by the job. It took some of the shine off my new job, but I soon realized that it was a wise decision on their part, and that there are lots of criteria to consider in hiring someone. Of course, now I am bored by my job, but that is another topic altogether…

Good luck Gazelle!

Dear God ,
What’s going on ?
The tension !

Fingers Crossed for you G

:: Algernon sits in his early morning office, checking his SDMB subscription emails, sees a notice, (heartrate increases), but not from Gazelle, (heartrate settles back to normal), the only sounds penetrating the silence of his office are the soft clicking of the keyboard, the creaking of the baseboard heaters on this cold Wisconsin morning, and the ticking of his desk clock.::

tick, tick, tick, tick, tick…

Thanks for your support, Robert, Salem and APOC! And Algie, (<-- my new nickname for you.) you crack me up!

9:25 AM, Thursday. Still no word. No call, no e-mail, no nada.

I called her on Monday (the day she said she’d get back to me) and left a message; I’m not calling again. It’s her turn!

Sheesh, now I’m getting frustrated.

Send me her number and I’ll call her, on behalf of all of us.

“Hi recruitment lady. Make a decision already. You do realise that dozens of people all over the world are holding their breaths waiting to hear about this job?!?”

jjimm, I was thinking the same thing. I was going to ask Gazelle if she wanted me to call and get this thing going.

Ah Dopers. Y’all’re so sweet.

I lubs ya.

I’ve been checking this thread for a week (so I’m a little quiet) and I want to know! NOW!

Good luck Gazelle. I hope that you get your dream job.

Dman, my eyse hutr. but thta’s oaky Gazelele, keepnig thme crossde anyawy…