I realize I’m fairly new here, but my true identity was revealed to me yesterday and thanks to the splendiferously expeditious efforts of SDMB’s own lovely TubaDiva, I am no longer butrscotch but now stand proudly before you as Mama Tiger! Don’t mess with my young!!
I’ve been fighting my own mother tiger instincts for years, trying hard to be somewhat objective about my kids. They can’t always be the best, prettiest, smartest, tallest, whatever. But I don’t know what would happen if somebody really hurt them.
What happened to show you who you really are, if I may ask?
In another threat in the Pit, women with tatoos were described as looking like skanky hos. Which included my daughter. And I had a moment of revelation (you’d think I might have noticed it sooner, my youngest now being 19, but hey, some of us are slower than others) about my true nature with regard to the Young Tigers.
Not that they object, they enlist my support because I’m so enthusiastic about it. (Also to write letters of complaint; a good letter of complaint is a work of art!)
So the Mama Tiger steps up and acknowledges what she knew all along but hadn’t admitted. Although there have been times that Young Master Tiger has BEGGED for me to revive that old custom of eating ones young…
That should, of course, be THREAD in the pit.
Mama Tigers are also slow at remembering to PREVIEW REPLY! :smack:
Mama Tiger, congratulations on the new name. I know I’ve been known to manifest as a dragon, and I’m a Christian who doesn’t have kids. On the other hand, posters are advised not to be too rude to agentfroot. I know she can look after herself, but old habits die hard.
I’ll second you on letters of complaint. To me, at the pinnacle of the art, they are ruthlessly polite, but the tone is within degrees of absolute 0 and can cause frostbite to the unwary. “Don’t make me angry, Mr. McGee. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”