Cynthia , you disgust me.
:eek: :eek:
Wow. That’s harsh.
My wedding cost the same as her Rehearsal Beach BBQ - in Canadian funds, no less !
May Cynthia’s account expire in 5 days.
Well, it seems that, in the space of about ten minutes, all info has been removed from her site “due to some personal threats.”
Awww, it looks like she’ll have to resort to paying her her wedding the old-fashion way: whoring herself out to her daddy’s rich friends. Or is that the new-fangled way? I’m so confused…
Well, that was interesting. I went to that site and could see the whole thing when, all of a sudden, “poof”. It now says: “I take my safety and that of my friends and family very seriously, therefore I have removed all content from my website due to some personal threats. It’s very unfortunate that there are people out there who have nothing better to do with their lives than harass other people.”, and nothing else.
Now gluteus, what did you do?
It’s still cached in google:
"How special can a day be when your 18 year old friends don’t have money to pay for gas, let alone buy you a wedding gift? It was pretty lame. " Yes, because we all know what makes a day special is that people give you lots of stuff. Just freakin’ bizarre. I’d think it was a parody if it hadn’t been taken down.
I did nothing other that look (oh, the pain!) at her horrid site, and then post this thread out of righteous indignation.
What the hell did she expect… I mean other than handouts from strangers?
I left her site open in a browser window before she removed the content… wanna see some quotes?
Would that be a bad, bad thing, as far as the mods would be concerned?
I got the link to her site from Weird Earl’s in the first place…
Cynthia’s site must have recently changed. It now says:
What did you guys do to poor Cynthia? LOL
I get the gist, but what were some details? She had a great little idea there. I should have a site: PayForCheekysNewBoobs.Com
Cool, Gaudere! You got link!
I’m guessing the threats were from either Madonna or Martha Stewart.
Google “payforcynthiaswedding” and you can check out the cached versions. I’m knee deep in wedding planning, and will have a kick ass wedding in Manhattan for 100 people for less than a third of what this chick is spending.
There are sites like that out there already. My friend showed me several months ago. I don’t know how well this has worked for others, but this girl managed to raise all the money she wanted.
You know, if anyone that donates was allowed to “test drive” the new boobs, so to speak, that might just work.
WellCheeky, if you send some before and after pics, I’ll send you some loot!
Thanks Gaudere … Wow, I hope that chick’s not in PR.
“We took a trip to Spain, using frequent flier miles racked up from business travel, in search of a specific bottle of wine that I had in London while on a business trip. We ate at expensive restaurants constantly, many times on expense accounts. We bought a cute little house and remodeled it all ourselves. We traveled and did this and that. Our life is the Fine Living Channel…”
POOR BABY!!! All she talks about is being USED TO the “finer things in life” and being racked up in debt. And she thinks that’s a good way to make a PLEA to strangers for money? What IDIOT would say, “Aww, G-d forbid she’s learning a lesson… Here’s $5.”
Oh and it doesn’t end there!
“Send Cynthia & Paul a wedding gift! They’re in the process of buying a new house that will need lots of landscaping and decorating, which means lots of trips to Lowes and Home Depot! If you’re not into giving cash, send a gift certificate! P.O. BOX to come soon!”
We are crazy in debt. We want a great wedding that we want you to pay for. But let’s not forget that we need a HOUSE too with lots of nice decorating and landscaping! For your convenience, dear stranger, we will be getting a PO Box soon.
I’m just dying to know what the Tuesday Weigh-In was all about. Don’t tell me it was a Weight Watchers Meeting For One. And she’d announce: I lost 1.7 lbs this week! Yippee! 17 more to go! Sponsor my Jenny Craig membership at bla bla bla…
OMG … every time you think you’ve seen it all, you see something else.
Judging from the color scheme that still survives in the “safety of my friends and family” thing, I’d say the Queer Eye guys might have made a few subtle threats as well…
Well, I would if I were Carter or Thom…
I don’t know what’s more pathetic.
Cyberbegging, or threatening cyberbeggars.
I’ve almost reached D-Day on my wedding planning, too. My wedding’s going to be pretty expensive, but if I couldn’t afford it, you can bet I’d be sitting in front of a judge downtown with my fiance and a bunch of friends instead of racking up debt and asking total strangers for money. Cynthia’s Web site is taking a wedding registry to a new level. Maybe her first marriage died an early death due to excessive greed.
Poor Cynthia - it must be hard, when you’re someone with “a taste for the finer things in life”, to be unable to afford your dream wedding. I feel so sad for her.
No wait - I don’t. She’s a stupid bitch with a sense of entitlement and no sense of perspective. For your second marriage, you can’t afford to: fly to Florida, rent a beach house for a week, take the groomsmen deep sea fishing, wrap the reception hall in white fabric, and do $20K+ of other stuff? Tough. If you only have $7,000, then you should plan a $7,000 wedding.
My biggest sympathy lies with her vendors, who are going to get screwed because she won’t be able to pay them.
(bolding mine)
Meanwhile, all of Paul’s friends are thinking, “WHEW! That was close!”