Daffodil5 I'm calling you out!

In this thread which I started, you walk in, make a pathetic attempt to understand the concepts within, then begin to sneer and throw around baseless accusations.

This would be amusing due to your obvious lack of reading skill, if they weren’t alleging criminal behavior. After being advised to re-read my posts, you come back to the thread, sneer some more and try to claim that you did read them. However, the fact that you exibit more of your effortless lack of full comprehension gives lie to that statement.

This would be contributing to the thread, if you had actually bothered to take the time to fully comprehend the meaning of the dizzying array of letters and symbols. If that is possible. I highly doubt this, based on your malformed attempts.

You are a pathetic disorganized lump of nuerons futilely trying to fire and function properly. You are the diseased wart hair on a sphylitic skunk’s rectum. You can’t even sneer properly, because you don’t get the facts straight before you do. Your attempts to appear urbane and sophistacted fail utterly due to this fact.

You are the biggest fucking moron it has ever been my misfortune to interact with on these boards. You make the other asshats look pretty, smell good, and be desired. Why don’t you ooze back into the pustule you came from? Or, barring that take as much time as your poor deformed mind needs to COMPREHEND THE POSTS before you fire off a “witty repartee”. :dubious:

So she just came here to be mean to other people?

So, it’s wrong to get married because you’re pregnant, and it’s wrong to get married when you’re not pregnant? :confused:

Good rant, but probably wasted. She’s just trying to pick a fight.

p.s. I’m so sorry about the loss of your children. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Ohhhh,:smack: wait a minute! I think maybe I understand some of the angst and hostility that our dear Daffy is exibiting!

They are jealous because I have someone who loves me, and that I love. They don’t. They probably think I somehow stole away the one person on this planet that might possibly love them, even though they have never met. Either that, or she’s one of those age bigots, who thinks 30 year olds are dull, and don’t deserve to have fun or be loved. :rolleyes:

I’m kind of new to these boards, so I’m not sure if calling someone out is some sort of duel or something, <yawn>. Maybe it’s a way for you to avoid responding to my post in the thread on weddings. I am saddened that you’re using the word asshat again, I thought I’d broken you of that.

You started a thread to bitch about someone else’s wedding (which you’re going to participate in) to try and get online people to agree with you, likely because nobody in real life wants to hear your opinions, and your husband has told you to stfu.

If you look at my posts, you’ll see that, especially in the later ones, I followed along and responded to you paragraph by paragraph. I did read the first long-winded whining post you made, but the fucked up family relations outlined in it could give any genealogist an aneurysm. I comprehended your situation well enough to tell you the truth, which you obviously don’t want to hear. I occasionally even quoted your own words back to you, because they helped to strengthen my points.

I have not attempted to appear urbane, witty, or sophistacted on this board at all. This is a verbal mud-wrestling pit, a place to tell losers that they are losers, idiots that they are idiots, and shrill jealous women that they should leave a happy bride alone. Were you attempting to be urbane, witty, or sophisticated when you trashed a woman that likes you enough to have you in her wedding party? Which of the three were you when you suggested that she lie during a religious ceremony. I won’t even mention the way you tried to bring the deaths of your children into an unrelated post.

Why don’t you check the thread in question?

It’s the pit, why are you here? To spread sunshine and light, or to have the freedom to say what you think?

It’s wrong to get married in a rush, which she admits that she did. She didn’t even have time to talk to the officiant beforehand.

No, I’m not trying to pick a fight. I’m gettig married in late August, and the thought that some naive bride is saddled with a bitchy bridesmaid, who was probably only asked so that her husband would be allowed to be in the wedding, saddens me. I’m glad that all of my bridesmaids are my friends, and I believe that Zabali_Clawbane could give that bride the best gift of all by dropping out of the wedding altogether. If she can bear to let her husband off the leash for an evening.

First you say:

Then you presume to tell us what the board is all about:

Ooo. Bad bad form.

I suggest that you lurk for a while and learn more about what the Pit is about before you post again.

And I also might suggest that you do some deep thinking about what compels you to be so downright mean.

It’s a good thing you’re not attempting to appear urbane witty, or sophistacated(sic), because you’re coming off as a churlish bitch.

I’ll bet you’re wedding is going to fun! Then again, I like slow, dull pain in my ass.

You didn’t respond to any of the points in my post on that thread, Zabali_Clawbane. Also, why would I be jealous of your pitiful husband? I pity him.

Green Bean, I would have lurked a bit more, if I hadn’t found a post that I felt compelled to respond to. Some poor bride is trusting a vicious harpy to stand up for her on an important day, and I feel sorry for her. I hope Zabali-Clawbane has the grace to drop out of the wedding and not interfere in the couple’s life. BTW, if you want to talk about mean, why don’t you talk about some of the names she has called me?

Light strand, my wedding is going to be perfect. I’ve been planning it for the last year, and everything is just the way my fiance and I want it to be. I don’t see why defending another bride, who is not here to defend herself, is wrong. I’ve read the rules, and there was nothing in there about having to agree with the OP when she is clearly wrong.

Hey, Zabali, while I’m on your side for this one, I just want to point out that the distinction between the bride and the MOH in your OP was a bit blurred. I think you mentioned “bride” in one sentence, used “she” for the rest, mentioned the MOH in the middle of a paragraph, and then proceeded to use “she” for all the references to her after that. I made the same mistake when I responded.


Daffodil5, being in the Pit does not mean looking for another poster to pick a fight with. Yes, you go there to vent and complain and to participate in potentially volatile threads, but you don’t go there just to get your rocks off by harping on someone else. There are ways that you can express your opinion without being bitchy; I suggest that you look in to them. Not many people like hanging out with a person who’s determined to argue.

::wets herself laughing::

Look, you ignorant dolt. If you had read my posts, you would have found:

  1. That the bride DOESN’T have many friends. I am her friend in a way, if only to make the groom’s life easier and show him respect.

  2. We did not get married in a rush, we had to wait months for a JOP to be free, and budget.

  3. We wanted to elope, because we don’t have money for the kind of formal ceremony we want later for our vow renewal which is going to be a very formal Celtic pagan affair.

  4. We could not talk to the judge beforehand because he did not talk to anyone without an appointment and HIS APPOINTMENT BOOK WAS FULL! We had a very short time allotted for the ceremony, with no time to talk to him immediately before the marriage either.

  5. You still have not explained to me why I am wrong to be upset at the thought of my husband being subjected to more psychological abuse at the hands of his ex-girlfriend who is MOH!

  6. This is the origin of the other thread, the ire at the MOH, and the denseness of the bride, who won’t go with her fiance’s idea of having 2 best men and 2 maids of honor to avoid the problem entirely.

  7. Quit claiming you understood my posts fully, when it is obvious to everyone else who has read my posts, and your sneers that you don’t.

  8. Go take a reading comprehension course, then come back here and post.

  9. As for the rest of your “observations” about my personality. Isn’t it said that people seem to see the flaws they dislike most about themselves in others. That it’s really themselves they are berating, not the other person?

  10. It’s pretty funny that you think you “know me” when you admit you haven’t even taken the time to read my previous posting history.

  11. Why don’t you ask the other board denizens if they think I’m as terrible as you believe?

  12. Do your “homework” before you make blanket statements about a fellow poster, you’ll last longer on the SDMB.Oh, wait…why don’t I just shut up and let them hang themselves?

BTW, ** Green Bean ** although it’s tardy, thank you for the condolences.

The perfect fiance
People I TRUST as attendants
Engraved invitations (picking them out next week)
A beautifully decorated church
A violinist, organist, and two flutes playing carefully chosen music
A ceremony that my fiance and I have planned out already
A minister I respect and would never lie to (unlike Zabali)
The perfect dress (still have to find a veil)
Lush flowers everywhere, and large cascading bouquets
Horse drawn carriage and two limos
Valet parking at the reception
Five hour open bar
Lavish cocktail hour
Delicious five-course meal (choice of chateau briand, salmon, or chicken florentine)
Carefully selected music to dance to all evening
A 5 tier basketweave cake, with sugar flowers
A tossing bouquet that’s identical to my own bouquet

Many other little details that will make my wedding truly perfect.

Oh, and Daffy dear, if you look at the thread in question you will see that you threw insults, and very serious allegations first. Because of this, I aired my opinions of not only your faulty comprehension, but you personally based on your actions towards me. Don’t cry and point fingers now, better known as “Don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house.”

All those details sound very…detailed, but what about the most important part–getting married to the love of your life while surrounded by your wonderful friends and family.

Or can’t you buy that at David’s Bridal?

  1. You’re not her friend either, and shouldn’t masquerade as a friend.
    2/3/4. I still say that your wedding is not something that you should be holding up as an example to others, but I feel I’ve made my points and am tired of arguing about it. I hope your vow renewal is better planned out.

  2. What abuse, walking her down the aisle? If she goes nuts and beats him up in the middle of the church, then maybe you were right. Until then, you’re making a big issue over nothing.

  3. In other words, you are upset that you can’t dictate the size of the wedding party, and your own role in it. As I said before, you’re jealous that you’re not the maid of honor.

7-10 + 12. I have responded methodically to your posts, point by point. I understand you quite well already, and don’t really care to read all the details of your sad life.

  1. Other board denizens are free to respond as they wish. If they can make a persuasive enough argument to change my mind on anything, good for them.

I would like to repeat that you don’t belong as an attendant if you don’t like the bride. She’s obviously not that desperate for attendants if you’re a bridesmaid, not the moh.

Green Bean, if you look again you’ll notice that I put my fiance and friends at the top of my list. BTW, David’s Bridal, so tacky. I did say I have the perfect dress, it certainly didn’t come from a cheap chain store.

Zabali_Clawbane, you threw insults first, at the woman who you’re supposed to be helping start her married life. Your post needed a response from a different viewpoint. You were also quick to post a random string of unfounded insults about me. All of the insults I’ve posted about you have been rooted in facts.

If you HAD read my posts, you would see that:

She actually slandered my husband to my face.

The MOH told the bride that she could not stand the thought of even giving my spouse a ride in her car. (So the bride is ignoring everyone, her fiance, the best man whom she considers her “big bubby” and her MOH to get her way. All these people are not comfortable with the arrangements.)

The MOH left the building to eat in the cold rather than be in McDonald’s with us as recently as January.

She (MOH) was generally letting my husband see that she was still playing the part of his “victim” and getting a perverse sexual type thrill out of it to boot.

She (MOH) lied and told the whole town that HE had threatened her and her mom when she broke up with him, which witnesses have stated is utterly untrue.

It’s psychological abuse.

I don’t care if I sit in with the guests, and watch my spouse be best man, but that would make things lopsided.


The groom has 2 very good friends he wants to stand up with him, he could have more than that, he has lots of loyal friends.

The bride doesn’t have many friends, I’m one of 3 she considers close, she’s had a falling out with the third one, so I got asked.

I am a friend to her, but she isn’t really to me. Like, and love are two different things. I show her love/respect because she’s human, and my good friends chosen wife.

This is due to the fact that she is childish, and doesn’t really have the ability to respect the dignity of other people. I’m kind to her, and show her friendship regardless. By her actions she’s not a good friend to me.
Who are you to say that the fact that I do this out of respect for the groom, my good friend/little brother is wrong?

Like, and love are two different things. I show her love/respect because she’s human, and my good friend’s chosen wife.

Am I correct in thinking that you just said the MOH was a better person than I am? You are seriously deluded, but that already showed when you began making all your “perfect” statements. Nothing, and no one is “perfect”. Of excellent quality, or character I’d buy, but perfect? Give me a break.

Ok, how many of you saw this coming?
Cite? :dubious: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

As for your “the thread needed a different veiwpoint” assertion…
That’s puss and you know it. I stated I was venting in the THREAD TITLE, and went on to do so. Venting is just that, getting out the negative emotions rollling around inside so they don’t come out all over the person/s you are frustrated with. The same goes for your assertion that it was ok for you to make baseless allegations because you thought I was being unfair in pitting the bride due to her own actions. I wish you a happy life…somewhere else.