Not having SDBM for most of the morning was just too much! So I figure $5 ain’t going to kill me. We’ll see how it goes from here…
Don’t mind me; just posting to see that “Charter Member” under my name.
Ahhh. Sweetness.
It’s rise an’ shine time here in NZ. Paying the sub was one of the first things I did today. I’m not as addicted as I once was – but this place is worth the money, and more.
Glad you’re sticking around Ice Wolf
Oh! Oh! I wanna see Charter Member under MY name!
Yep, I got so irritated when the boards went down earlier…I’m in. Considering the countless hours I’ve spent here, five bucks is dirt cheap.
I feel much the same way whiterabbit, even though I post once in a fuschia moon
I wanna see too! Thanks
I agree, five dollars is very small price to pay to stick around here and it’s well worth it to me. I also couldn’t bear to see my status demoted to “Guest” after the boards came up again, so I signed up right away, and after a couple hours my “Charter Member” status was showing.
I suppose since I have paid up I might have to actually start posting after all these years.
I haven’t been on this site for a while, but when I saw that notice I paid right away. Just being able to search everything on these boards has been worth well more than $5 to me…
You can pretty much find anything here…
Checking to see if my Charter membership is reflected yet …