OK so Cool hand luke kicks all kinds of ass....

Yeah I just saw Cool Hand Luke for the first time as an adult. I’d seen it once before in JR High (our teacher mad us watch it, he was cool like that. However he shall not be forgiven for forcing Old Yeller on us. it’s NOT COOL to cry, but I dygres.) Anway, I shot over to IMDB to look up some stuff on this moive that just blew me away and came across this.
I mean I was born in 1979, and I love the classic movies. Maybe its caue my dad was born in 1939 and grew me up on his favorite movies (the one he loved was about a boat that takes on some kid as a fosher man who’s befriended by one of the old sea dogs who dies-- never can remember the title if anyone cares to help out it be apprciated–again I dygress) Anyway, I would just like to hear from some of the yonger dopers on this subject. Basicly how do those of us from Generation X (or Y) How do these classics hold up

Captains Courageous. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0028691/

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Click on links above to play “Fun With Google!!”

The spelling in the original post wasn’t flash. In the link was this as well:

The possibility that I’m somehow not sofisticated enough to appreciate these older “gems” has struck me as well. Though, of course, I find that hypothesis highly unlikely :wink: :frowning:

That was harsh, Dooku.

Cool Hand Luke is one of my Top 10 of all time, despite the movie being 2 years older than I am.

The word “a” is not in this line.

Actually it is and isn’t. When uttered by Captain, there is no “a”. But when Luke uses the line at the end of the movie, he does use the “a”.

*I’m just standin’ in the rain talkin’ to myself. *

Does anybody remember Strother Martin on Saturday Night Live as the head of a French language summer camp for children?

“All berets must be worn at a slant. Anybody not wearing his beret at a slant spends a night in the le box.”
Bill Murray is the rebelious camper who doesn’t want to learn French. After he leaves the camp and is brought back by the guards…

MARTIN: (holding up a drawing of a kitten) “How big is the cat?”
MURRAY: “It’s a little, bitty cat.”
(Guards beat MURRAY)
MARTIN: Le chat et petit! What we’ve got here is failure to communicate bilingually!"

See? That’s how pervasive a mistake it is. Not even Luke got it right. :slight_smile:

Yeah, you’re probably right. When I see too many horrendous spelling errors in a row, I get exasperated.

Mebbe somebody done run his spellin’ dog dead.

Well if you had a crappy primary education thats to the NYC public school system that pretty much hamstrung any chance you’d ever have at learning how to spell, and having zero money to buy glasses casue you’re so damn poor its a joke I’m sure you;d have a lot of spelling errors too Mr. Perfect.

ANd Tubadiva wonders why I don’t post much anymore.

Again, sir. I’ve peed my pants because of you. Well done!

Easy there, Barbarino. I was just funnin’ ya. Mr. Perfect I ain’t. If you’ve got a computer you can Copy / Paste text into an application with Spellcheck, or use an online spellchecker like http://www.spellcheck.net/. Don’t let me get you down.

If a spellin’ dog inhales a load uh chili powder and spices, does it go sneezin’ letters all over the place?