Okay Life. Fucking stop it.

I ain’t looking for sympathy, just looking to vent a little.

I am not a whiney type usually. I take what Life deals out and go through it and get on with living. But let’s take stock here. This is just too fucking much. Since the new year, that is 01-01-03, the following shitty things have happened to me and my family:

Discovered that our life savings, carefully hoarded and invested, is gone for good. $100,000 we’ll never see again.

Dog, swallowed bone, spent week in vet hospital. $2500 we didn’t have.

Brother, lost job and getting divorce a mere 9 months after getting married. I’m sure that his son will have a wonderful life growing up in a single parent household with a pair of parents that have never made anything more than minimum wage.

Cousin, serious car accident.

Son, tried to kill himself and me. $8,000 worth of hospital stuff not covered by insurance, which we didn’t have.

Me, car damaged when some asshat backed into my car in a parking lot. $2100 we didn’t have.

Wife, back surgery.

Lost my wedding ring.

Found out I have an ulcer.

Daughter, had boyfriend dump her yesterday. After which she made the comment that “her life is over and not worth living.” Yep, just what I need to hear.

What the flying fuck? Did I offend the Great God of people who want to live a normal fucking life? Why all of this shit at once? Couldn’t we spread it out a little, Life? You know, give me a week or so to recover from the stress of the last pile of shit you dumped one me?

Well, whoever or whatever is causing this shit to happen, cut it out. I only give one warning.

If it’s Life, then Life can suck maggot riddled dick of a putrescent camel corpse. It it’s Fate, then Fate can lick the squeezings from a festering boil resting near the sphincter of leper. If it’s Luck, then Lady Luck can get ready to be bitch slapped and assfucked by a thousand syphilus carrying donkey cocks. If it’s Og then Og can personally come down from Its pedastal and kiss my lily white ass then apologize for acting like an asshole. If it’s a combination of these factors, then all of you can meet me behind the Safeway at 3 AM because you’ve got an ass whipping coming and I intend to deliver it.


Welby, I’m not going to give you a hug, I’m not going to say I’m keeping you in my prayers, I’m not going to say or do any of that stuff - because it won’t help.

What I will do is back you up behind that Safeway - let me know if you need a hand!

Jesus, I got an ulcer just reading that!

Would it make you feel any better to know that your life makes me feel better about my life?

Holy shit, welby! :eek:

That’s about the most heart-breaking list of misfortunes I’ve ever read. I don’t know you from Adam, but I sure as hell wish I had some way to just reach out and make it all go away. :frowning:

I don’t know what to say . . . but I’ll be glad to join Missy2U in backing you up behind that Safeway, anytime.

I’m an atheist, so praying’s useless; an offered cyberhug seems pretty cheap and crappy under the circumstances, but I can’t think of anything else.


Hang in there, dude - life has to make an upturn soon. I’ll damn sure keep you in my thoughts - and be grateful that, as much as my life has sucked lately, it’s been heavenly compared to yours.

Lots of love to you, welby, lots of love.

All of that in just 6 weeks? Dude, you have my sympathies. That sucks.

I do wonder, though, how you can just “find out” 100K is “gone”. You’re not obliged to answer me, of course, but surely you didn’t keep this kind of money in an old sock?

Nah, Coldie, we stash the socks with singles and fives.

We invested the money in the construction of an office building, which is actually a pretty safe investement. Real estate has some value, after all, and our money went to purchase the land, not the improvements. We made the investment about 2 1/2 years ago.

Fast forward to the start of this year. The builder, his agent, and the owner of the construction company have all been charged with fraud. They faked leases to continue the construction draws and then used the money to finance some other projects they were working on, all of which were managed about the same way.

The property has been seized and will likely be forfieted. They’ve been sued under the RICO act by the bank and charged under RICO by the government. In the end, they’re screwed, but the property will be confiscated either by the government or the creditors.

But wait, we had a glimmer of hope! WE didn’t do anything wrong, right? RIGHT! We just own the land, so we can sell that, right? RIGHT! Well, wrong. The assholios mortgaged the property to the hilt, faking signatures along the way, so the total amount of unmortgaged property is roughly $20,000. It would cost us that much to try and recover it. And unfortunately, even though our signatures were faked, the money is still owed. We won’t be responsible for the balance, but we’ll never get anything back either.

And I also grant that a lot of my view is pessimistic. We have an attorney local to the property area trying to figure out if there’s any way we can wriggle our cash out of this, but even he says it isn’t very likely.

Jeez, Welby. I’d offer you my hip-waders, but me and the husband are using them right now. Not to make light of your shitty month, but here’s ours:

Sister-in-law died of alcoholism at the age of 42

Mother-in-law’s uterus fell out

Father-in-law has taken to living on the toilet to work through his grief. Spends hours on end in the can

Husband is getting two teeth pulled tomorrow, after suffering with abcesses for over a week

Cat has been diagnosed with cancer and we have to decide when to kill him

Best friend is having her hip replaced today.

I know these aren’t as bad as yours, but misery loves company, so I thought I’d give you the shit-heap-that-is-my-life to divert your attention from your shit-heap. If only momentarily.

Hoping your tide turns soon.

My bedridden, incontinent, bitter and angry Mother-in-law lives in my home and has for almost two years. She weighs 250lbs and prefers to take her anger and bitterness out on me.

Today, however I will count my blessings that I am not Kalhoun.

No one knows better than I that life can really suck some days.

Hang in there buddy, I never thought I’d make it this far, but here I am.

If it’s any consolation, in my life, these kinds of things have come in waves. Life will absolutely go into the toilet for a while and you think you can’t manage.

Then It Gets Better.

It’s the hanging in till it gets better that’s hard.

Hang in, welby and welby-family. We’re thinking good thoughts in your direction…

Archergal said, "Life will absolutely go into the toilet for a while ".

Not while my father-in-law is around. Life will simply have to wait. Like the rest of us. In line. With our legs crossed.

(just an attempt at levity during a truly fucked-up New Year)

That’s some serious shit Welby. For whatever it’s worth, I’m really sorry to hear about all that.

As mentioned, things usually seem to go in cycles. Lord knows you’re certainly due some good fortune soon. You enjoy it when it comes, you hear?

Man, welby, that just sucks. It’s a damn shame your interests in that land couldn’t be protected better. 100K down the drain… while it doesn’t measure up to the loss of a loved one of course, it still must be extremely frustrating to see your life’s savings stolen from you. Again, my sympathies. And the best of luck to ya.

welby - I have been reading some of your threads over the past few weeks, but had not added them all up. I am sorry. I can see why you are so angry - you have been handed too much to expect anyone to handle.

Best of luck - I hope you get some time without more major crap so you can sort through all of this.

Welby, that sucks buddy and I feel for you.

It seems that the only bad thing that happened that you can do something about is the $100k, and it really seems like you ought to be able to do something more than just take it up the ol’ cornhole. I mean, if you guys bought the land, then it can’t simply be “forfeited” to the government without just compensation being paid to you. And the crooks that mortgaged it forged signatures, so it seems that the bank (and not you) should bear the loss on that.

I wouldn’t give up on this too soon. Maybe you could find a different lawyer who’ll take the case on a contingency fee so you’re not out of pocket.

Plus, just doing something about this may make you feel better and keep your mind off the rest of the shit.

I was hoping this was a big whine-fest that I could join in on. I guess I need the reminder that some people have real problems. I hope things take a turn for the better soon. Don’t hesitate to seek help - you’re dealing with more than a person is equipped to bear.

After doing some quick calculations I believe I can make it to the Safeway in Fairfax Virgina by about 2 am.

You want I should bring some real nasty ill-tempered sea bass with me?

Before you ask, you better fucking believe they have laser beam implants, Oh Yeah! We shall kick some ass for sure.

welby, for 14 months, 1986-87, I had a baby, mom was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer (since I was the last kid at home, I got to take care of her), my hubby’s brother died of cocaine-induced heart failure, my FIL had 3 heart attacks, my sisters all turned into total bitches (one had the balls to tell me how much cleaner I could keep the house if I just organized my time better, for heaven’s sake), mom also had congestive heart failure, and kept going into cardiac arrest. It was the 14 months from hell, and if someone offered me 5 million dollars to relive it, I’m not sure I’d accept. However, I learned two things. One: I’m a lot stronger than I’d ever given myself credit for. I bet you are, too. Two: This too shall pass. I know it seems to take forever, but it truly will get better. Hang in there, and get counseling if you need to!

Sometimes it seems like the beatings will never stop, doesn’t it.

Given your depiction of the Squirrel Incident in MPSIMS last week, it seems that you’ve managed to hang on to your sense of humor. Considering the OP here I find that impressive.

Good luck, welby. If you stand in there and keep swinging things are bound to take an upturn eventually.

MissTake packs her suitcase full of whipass and saps

You said the Safeway?

I am not even going to try to begin to offer any kind words or anything cause that is one hell of a bad situation. But I do have one question. After the ass kicking can we eat some of that Safeway rotisserie chicken? I really like that stuff and nothing makes me hungrier than putting a boot in ol’ Fate’s ass.