I ain’t looking for sympathy, just looking to vent a little.
I am not a whiney type usually. I take what Life deals out and go through it and get on with living. But let’s take stock here. This is just too fucking much. Since the new year, that is 01-01-03, the following shitty things have happened to me and my family:
Discovered that our life savings, carefully hoarded and invested, is gone for good. $100,000 we’ll never see again.
Dog, swallowed bone, spent week in vet hospital. $2500 we didn’t have.
Brother, lost job and getting divorce a mere 9 months after getting married. I’m sure that his son will have a wonderful life growing up in a single parent household with a pair of parents that have never made anything more than minimum wage.
Cousin, serious car accident.
Son, tried to kill himself and me. $8,000 worth of hospital stuff not covered by insurance, which we didn’t have.
Me, car damaged when some asshat backed into my car in a parking lot. $2100 we didn’t have.
Wife, back surgery.
Lost my wedding ring.
Found out I have an ulcer.
Daughter, had boyfriend dump her yesterday. After which she made the comment that “her life is over and not worth living.” Yep, just what I need to hear.
What the flying fuck? Did I offend the Great God of people who want to live a normal fucking life? Why all of this shit at once? Couldn’t we spread it out a little, Life? You know, give me a week or so to recover from the stress of the last pile of shit you dumped one me?
Well, whoever or whatever is causing this shit to happen, cut it out. I only give one warning.
If it’s Life, then Life can suck maggot riddled dick of a putrescent camel corpse. It it’s Fate, then Fate can lick the squeezings from a festering boil resting near the sphincter of leper. If it’s Luck, then Lady Luck can get ready to be bitch slapped and assfucked by a thousand syphilus carrying donkey cocks. If it’s Og then Og can personally come down from Its pedastal and kiss my lily white ass then apologize for acting like an asshole. If it’s a combination of these factors, then all of you can meet me behind the Safeway at 3 AM because you’ve got an ass whipping coming and I intend to deliver it.