Okay, this political correctness shit has got to stop.

How DARE you Mercutio? Silly Rabbit is a highly respected member of our boards and for you to slur her good name by comparing it to some overly sensitive person who everyone on this thread seems to hate is just crossing the line. You’re just aching for someone to start a pit thead here! How could you possibly have been so pig headed as to think you’d get away with a comment as offensive as that?

Yeah Mercutio,
If “I” were Silly Rabbit, “I” for one would be considering a slander and defamation of character suit, not to mention that you are creating a Hostile Posting Environment and degrading rabbits all over the world, you insensitive prick. Watch what you say around here from now on.

By the way, does anyone besides me think that Silly Rabbit is way hot and sexy?


I thought he was pretty long-winded. The direct answer is “Taffy was a thief.”

Good call, Tom, I had forgotten about that old bit of doggerel.

For those not familiar, it’s an old Mother Goose rhyme

There is also the term “welsher”, one who doesn’t back his word, or avoids payment on a debt. I guess there’s more Welsh-bashing than I originally thought.

Now, I officially stop hijacking pk’s thread.

I couldn’t bear to look at that page for more than a few minutes (the colors! my god, the COLORS!), but did anyone else notice this little gem buried in her bio:


I resent that remark! We’re hairy arsed penny-pinching, kilt-wearing Scots! And thats just the women :smiley:

Killjoy. I wanted to make some crack about your having a low forehead and being covered in coal dust!


— G. Raven


I thought that was why the Scots wore kilts. Because sheep can hear zippers.

From Ms. Jeffers:


Religion tells us to be fruitful and
multiply. Considering the population crisis in today’s world, I wonder if God was referring to fruits
and vegetables instead of children! Whoops!

and, after filling out and posting one of those evil, hate-inspired questionnaires with questions like, “Favorite Pet?” and “Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?”, she writes:

Last night I downloaded a Heart song. Today I read this. I’m starting to really hate you people.

Now I have to go recite my Daily Affirmation until I “really believe it!”

Burn in hell, all of you.

I believe the correct response would have been, “I’m sorry if I offended you with my remark - that was not my intent.”**
I believe the correct response would have been: “Ahh, bite me.”

Being three-quarters Irish myself, I’m not offended by Lucky himself, but by the suggestion that anyone Irish would want to eat the disgusting crap he sells. In fact, the only way I can imagine to get an Irishman to eat a bowl of the stuff would be to pour whiskey over it. :smiley:

The one that really pisses me off is Notre Dame calling their football team “The Fighting Irish.” It makes us all out to be belligerant quarrelsome assholes.

In fact, I’m so burned up by this I think I’ll go out to the neighborhood bar, pick a fight, and beat the crap out of someone. :mad:

When I went here and read some of it, I couldn’t help but wonder if a certain Mr. Chick had allofasudden had a change of direction if not heart, gone down to Mexico and gotten a zipper job along with a large PC gland installation, come back and discovered color. Notably pink. Which is like red but,… not really. And I simply loved the nav bar to the side- where the titles are all roundy-roundy to simulate something like ‘I feel sooo sweet today and you will to after coming here’ light-heartedness. We might have a new site to occasionally thread about.
( I just thought- y’know what would be fun? A thread for submissions of this type, with a contest with diff. categories- I think we probably have the glurge and fundy awards already, but maybe not… The prize to the person who submits the winner of each category could get a virtual blow job/cunnilingus session that all the other participants would contribute to- done in the spirit of the category his/her submission won…I mean imagine it- virtually blowing, lessay, LouisB, in the written spirit of some kind of fundy or other, or, slurping on your puddin cup for the submission in this thread, done in the style of Susan herself, in relay fashion by the habitues of the pit.-I can see it now- it begins [musical treacly voice]Hellooooo little clitty, and you are a fine, pretty clitty…[/voice] I’m not sure how a vbj ala jack chick would be done, but I’m in no doubt that the balls would get rolling quite nicely…)
Most fortunately for me, I have the type of stomach that will let me eat fermented venison, or die from alchohol poisoning before I throw up, so I was able to forego the plastic lined waste container.
Also, regarding your post in general, and the last couple of lines in particular, I like you…

Bites?[sub]oh god i’ve been waiting to use that one[/sub]
The goal, when faced with that type of person, IMHO, is to remove them from your environment. This, fortunately, is fairly easy- One simply uses their weaknesses against them, and this type of person is prone to stroking out. Given that, a typical response might have began “Well, boy is that wild, drunken night all coming back to me now, and, recalling that particular unfortunate episode of bestiality, I’m not suprised at all at the way you’ve turned out…” and then use your best Darth Vadar voice on them for a bit, till you can see the internal damage is going to be permanent and they will be on total disability, no longer a gad to your fly. (The Darth Vadar thing enjoys the highest success if they are a Star Wars fan and can reference the Looooooook, I’m your Fahtha line. A real good thing to say after the initial bestiality comment is something like [DV voice]Ahhh, the regrets of misspent yoooooooth, SKaaaaa (<that breathing DV noise)[/DV voice])

Seriously, dude. Get off my couch. You’re not getting any.

In the current Pit thread entitled [url="http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=62079"Take All Your Base and Shove 'Em Up Your Ass!, Boris B replied:

Turbo Dog
I do

well now, lets not be so hasty here- I ever tell you about my pearl divin days? Yup, I’m a little outta practice, but I can still hold my breath for 7 and1/2 minutes, longer if I’m not doing anything too strenous…

[gloopy eyes, treacly voice mentioned above]
I just want to help…[/eyes, voice]

possibly you would care to visit that thread again, and maybe direct said worthy’s attention back to it. I have a plan, you see…

Being a Scotsman, I’ve heard them all:

The Irish introduced the Scots to the bagpipe, and the Scots haven’t gotten the joke yet.

How was copper wire invented? Two Scotsmen fighting over a penny.

Did you hear a rare coin was recently found in Scotland? Any coin found in Scotland is quite rare.

How can you tell a Scotsman’s name? You check under his kilt, and if it’s a quarter-pounder, he’s a MacDonald!

And as far as I know, the Irish invented the kilt.

That is all.


What about welsh rabbit (or rarebit) as a name for a cracker with ham and cheese. From what I understand the name came from the English joking that the snack was a delicacy for the Welsh, like rabbit was for them.

But I took ya out and boughtcha dinner and all, and its cold out and its a long way to my place and ahh, okay. Can I call ya later?

yah, and to boot dude, no way I was talking abuot your couch- I read that thread an I ain’t been hit by no cars- I was more thinking, well, you got a back porch?