(Old) Day Trips planned in the MMP

Summer is generally when a lot of festivals are held and/or a good time to take day trips in your general vicinity. I noticed that there’s going to be a Pierogi Fest in Whiting, IN July 28-30 which is when I’m going to visit our daughter in Chicago so I’m thinking of stopping on the way. Will you be going on any day trips to festivals or other reasons?

First! That gets juvenility out of the way :slight_smile: It’s 18c/64f with a predicted high of 19c/66f, and we are expecting rain showers. Weather app doesn’t like that much, and declares that “Today you will be between fucking moist and wet.” It’s definitely cloudy out there and quite grey/overcast. There’s a nice cool breeze and I’ve got all the upstairs windows open to get fresh air through the house. The bonus of working from home!

Festivals? My calendar is full of festivals, big and small, throughout the year. I have around 14 different festivals in the diary for 2023, and that doesn’t include the ones I can’t get to because they clash with something else or because I’m on holiday :slight_smile:

Our next one will be Giff Fest at the end of August, a little one-dayer to celebrate the awesome talents of the guy who books bands in our local rock pub, the Giffard Arms.

My daughter and I hope to take her kids to Baltimore to the Aquarium, but that’s about all we’ve planned. I got a text from a high school friend over the weekend - she and her sister are hoping to do some day trips and she wants to come see me. I invited them to stay the night, so I don’t know if that counts as a “day” trip. :wink:

I have a reminder set at 7 for FCD’s meds. That’s a good time for me to shower and dress before taking my car to get the tire repaired at 8. I have to pick up MIL at 9:30 to get her to her cardiologist appointment. We may stop at a local farm for peaches on the way back to her apt.

And I have to remind FCD that he’s to stay out of the sun while on Cipro. I’m hoping that today we’ll see his rash fade appreciably. The aloe vera didn’t do much to ease the itching but I think he slept thru most of the night.

Amazingly, we’ve got 3 days in a row with no rain forecast!! I should mow this afternoon - we shall see. I’ll probably do a load of unders, too, since the supply is getting low. And there’s a set of sheets that needs to be washed. Will the thrills ever end???

Wednesday will be Sprayground day with the kids. I’ll pack a lunch and take them to the water park/playground in Lexington Park. With luck, they’ll wear themselves out in 2-3 hours, after which I’ll take them home to wait for their mom to get off work. That’ll be our big outing for the week.

And so it begins. Happy Moanday! And, BooFae - you jumped ahead of me as I was composing. Bad form! :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t help it, I got over-excited!

Morning all. Got several hours of rain late last night so it will only get to 85F here today. Shopping-n-Sammich-n-Swimming-n-Sauna are the projected activities and also need to contact a couple folks about stuff I have for them, but otherwise should be a quiet day.

I have a day trip coming up on Saturday, a MMP meetup organized by Real Fish up in Tennessee, and then a few days later a ‘mini-vacation’ of about 5 days to Myrtle Beach and Charleston, SC. Then back home for youth soccer coaching/refereeing until November.

And shoe, read of your pizza oven success on the previous MMP; my congratulations.

So onward into the week.

Good morning!

It’s currently 58F, dark and cloudy. The expected high for around here is 72F with partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. The temps in Spokane will be slightly higher today, but tomorrow it’s supposed to be 86F and sunny and Wednesday will be 88F and sunny. Good thing I’m heading home on Wednesday.

I got the yard weed-whacked, edged, mowed yesterday, vacuumed, and did laundry. I watered all the flowers and plants and the front lawn too. I never reached Lowes or Home Depot because I wasn’t in the mood to leave the house.

I like day trips and will probably take one or two while on vacation. I would like to do the North Cascades Loop, so that might actually be an overnight trip. I’ll probably head up to the mountains, either Mt Rainer or maybe somewhere in the North Cascades. I would also like to do some exploring out on the Olympic Peninsula again. It’s been a minute since I’ve been there to explore. I’ve been out that way for work, but that’s different.

I will work for a couple of hours from home, then load up my stuff and hit the road.

I guess I better finish my coffee and tidy the kitchen before I leave. I’ve already warned the husband I better not come home to a sink full of dishes and a messy house. Disorder irritates me more and more…

FCD had a good sleep for the first time in weeks. The rash is fading. He’s going to take his mom to the cardiologist. I’m clean and clad, I got the dishwasher washing, and in a couple of minutes, I’ll had to L’town to get my tire fixed, then to Food Lion for a few things.

And so it begins in earnest. :smiley:

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up, caffeinated, even out and about, so no YAWN. I am waiting on OYKW’s vehicle to get serviced cause I am all nice like that, dammit. ‘Tis 75 Amurrkin out and rainy with a predicted high of 87 and rainy. Thus when this is done I shall go back to da cave and remain inside and dry. It will be a good day for the usual sloth and general overall uselessness we are prone to do. Sup shall be beastloaf, green beans, mac ‘n cheese and rolls. Kinda borin’, but good.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Mornin, all. Already been to my buddy’s car shop, the truck threw a check engine light over the weekend, so I thought it’d be good to have that looked at. Apparently it had a misfire in one cylinder, but it’s feeling better now. Now in my shop thinking about doing some stuff, but mostly procrastinating.

Hope y’all have a safe a fun week.

no day trips… i do have a reading day planned for aug. 2nd when a favoured author has a new book out. perhaps i’ll pop up to nyc for a day in sept.

lager loves to lick the cat food can, this weekend he ended up with a bit of a cut on his lip. hasn’t slowed him down. i’m keeping watch on it, incase it gets infected.

No days trip planned. There ‘s not a lot to day trip to in no. Illinois.

I did nothing yesterday. I did get dressed to pick up prescriptions from CVS but that’s it. Took 2 naps and still fell asleep at 10:30. Getting my hair cut today and that’s about it.

Day trips? I don’t have anything planned. I do have a vacation the second week of August. I may be picketing, I may be pickling my liver. Who knows.

Short heaving in smalls, as usual, then the loading of the over stuffed package cars to round out the day. Naptime!

The plumbing company called. The plumber is out on an emergency call at a fast food restaurant, and will be delayed. They say they’ll try to get him out this afternoon, or else tomorrow morning. I told them I won’t be here in the morning. Mrs. L.A. is pissed . She says it’s flooded under the house. I told the dispatcher that this is turning into an emergency. I’ll get an update in a couple of hours.

Best of luck. That sucks.

I have no day trips planned. When our passports come back, we might go up to Vancouver BC for an overnight.

Back home. There was a nail in my tire, and the final tab was just under $60. That was to plug, patch, and balance, and install a new valve stem. A long way from the $7 I paid in '79 for a plug alone. But really, I can’t complain too much. The company has to pay the workers and their other bills - and the fix took about an hour. Even if it was all labor, that’s a cheap hourly rate for auto repair, methinks.

They did tell me I’m down to 3/32 on the front tires and 4/32 in the rear - they recommend replacement at 2/32. The replacement quote was around $850 for all 4, but that also included $80 for repair insurance (that’s not what they called it but that’s what it is) - and if I buy from them, I’ll likely pass on that. Or maybe not - we shall see. As little as I drive these days, it’ll be a while before I need new rubber.

Next stop was Food Lion, then home to rearrange the freezers to accommodate the bags of frozen veggies I bought. I moved some wings from the fridge/freezer to the small freezer and pulled out 2 bags of stuff that’s been in there a while - some turkey (November??) and something with an October date but no other identifying info. Truly mystery meat! Both bags are in the fridge to thaw and they’ll either become supper or garbage in the next couple of days.

It’s overcast but no precip expected any time soon, so I’ll fire up ol’ John Deere and have a go at the yard. Then laundry. Off I go to mow!!

Every day is a festival here in Nellieville.

I shall leave shortly for the ortho doc. Hopefully I’ll get some answers. After that, I’ll take my plants on a nostalgia trip to the balcony, where they’ll get watered. When they’re done weeing, back to the dining table they go. Such excitement.

flyboy, I hope the plumber arrives soonest.

FCM, glad FCD’s rash is fading.

swampy, that dinner sounds comforting and delicious, not boring!

Howdy Y’all! Got OYKW’s vehicle taken care of and got back to da cave just as some very heavy rain started so I did not get all wet. YAY! It’s been rainin’ steadily, but looks like it’ll stop early afternoon. We shall see. In the meantime, sloth and general overall uselessness shall be accomplished. It’s a whirlwind here!

Nellie Happy Doperversary! There’s a slice of cake by your name today.

Not going anywhere today. Currently 73o F, predicted high 78, and the sky is falling – vigorously. A couple weeks ago the NWS predicted rain for us seven days straight, but everything passed to the west and north of us. Now, however… It’s currently 1049 EDT and we have a flood watch until 1400, a flood advisory until 1230, and a flash flood warning until 1215. (Not to worry – we’re about 20 feet above sea level, well away from both the coast and the river.)

Yesterday’s day trip was a hike up to the powerlines.
Today’s day trip is to the tattoo removal place :confounded:
Tomorrow’s day trip is on a fossil hunt with a local expert!

And doubly so, when it’s your Doperversary!

I shudder to think what that entailed.

Not to minimize what you and the I’m-sure-quite-lovely Mrs. L.A. are dealing with yourselves.

Sounds productive to me.

That must’ve felt so good.

Thanks. I really am proud of myself, which is - like the first good night’s sleep after a row of bad nights - one helluva nice feeling, and similarly, one I haven’t enjoyed in a while.