(Old) Getting caught off-guard n the MMP

Happy Sunday!

No park today. My son isn’t feeling well and I’m letting him rest.
He has to work tomorrow and Tuesday, then he will be off until the following Tuesday.
Unless he has jury duty Monday. .
It’s cold out anyway and I can’t find my hat and gloves.

Two people looked at the house today. One of them was the same person who looked at it yesterday.
We had to reschedule our plans to go over and take care of a few things.
Somebody is looking at it tomorrow and then another person on Tuesday.
I think I’d be happier if I didn’t get the notifications and the realtor offered to take me off the list. But since we are going over every day to empty the dehumidifyer, it’s better I know so we don’t show up during a showing.

Not enough got done today. At the rate we are going, it will be a year before all the boxes and bags are empty and everything has been put away.

I fell the day before yesterday. At least it was on my ass this time. I was a little sore yesterday, but I am really hurting today.