Yes. Go outside, ride a bike, plant something.
Me, I’m going back to sleep.
Morning, mumpers! It’s currently 6c/43f with a predicted high of 9c/48f, and with rain showers. Weather app says “Good luck trying not to get fucking wet.” I’m ok, got no need to leave the house today so I’ll be staying dry.
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 48 (BRR!) Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 70 and N.O.S. Not much shakin’ at da cave today, which is fine by me. I will be glad to sloth, nap and day drink. Sup shall be ham 'n N.O.T. soup with the addition of carrots, onions, celery, and garlic to jazz it up. Also there will be cornbread, cause cornbread.
So, Earth Day. Am I suppose to plant a tree? Plant some flowers? Hug the ground and say I love you? Never could figure this one out.
Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day!
Happy Moanday Y’all! Happy Earth Day to those who observe whatever it is we’re supposed to do.
Thanks for kicking us off, Coppertone!
The O.P. gave suggestions:
You could always hug a tree, if you’re into that sort of thing.
I’m up way before the trash pickup. I suppose I could leave my warm, comfy bed & head out into the cold darkness with the rest of the household trash.
Yeah, right!!
I intend to plant a bike and ride a plant, but I think a card and a nice bottle of organic, vegan, non-GMO, locally sourced wine would be appropriate. After drinking the wine, you sit back against a staunch old tree and think about how we’ve sinned against the earth. Maybe sing a verse or two of “Big Yellow Taxi” or “Mercy Mercy Me,” off-key, of course, because wine.
Good morning!
Speaking of Earth or back to Earth or, really, my topic is ashes…
My mom and I are sitting here trying to decide what my dad’s urn should look like. I’ve decided that I am going to make it myself. The jokes have been terrible, but ones that my father would have loved. Perhaps the best ‘bad’ idea so far has something to do with a volcano shaped urn and, NO, the ashes will not be erupting from it.
Currently 33F/1C and NOS here; predicted high 56F/13C. Only supposed to drop to 37F/3C tonight, but there’s a frost advisory from midnight until 0800. The daffodils have died back, but most of the tulips are opening now.
Anybody have a knee I can borrow? I’ve gotten maybe five hours sleep since Saturday evening. I’m fine as long as I’m reading or putzing about on the computer, but as soon as I lie down and try to go to sleep, with nothing to distract me, my knee starts aching – around eight to ten on the ever-popular 1-10 pain scale. Lady SCAdian is off today, though, so after she wakes up I’ll have her run me to the ER…
Woke to a stoopit 39° and we’re promised low-to-mid 60s today - at least we’ll get sun, so I hope to maybe finish and fill my new raised garden bed. That’s all that’s planned so far. That’s pretty earthy.
And it turns out Daughter’s new job was, in fact, a scam. She did some “training” which involved something on Excel. They sent her a paycheck which had the name of an entirely different company on it and they started asking her about wire transfers. So that ended that. Fortunately, she’d never filled out any paperwork with her SSN, which, I suppose, should have been a tip off from the start. Anyway, she’s back to searching. Dammit.
I know there are legit work-from-home gigs (right, sari?) but how does one find them? She needs to find something soon. We can help her a little bit, but we can’t wipe out our savings. Fingers crossed that she figures out something soon.
Meanwhile, onward! Happy Moanday!
I have seen many education related jobs that truly appear to be legit on Indeed lately. Both for next school year and summer trainer jobs. There is also Data Annotation which I do task work for now which requires high attention to detail, but pays well.
Morning. It’s 40 with a high of 71, which is honestly perfectly reasonable.
I have slept through the night. Repeat, I have slept through the night. Somehow my brain decided that sleep was more important than stress. Thank you brain. Of course now that I’m awake I’m back to stressing about all the things. I know intellectually it will all get done. I just want it done.
House stuff this morning, then teaching all afternoon, then rehearsal in the evening. Where I will hopefully get the story of my realtor and his hatchet.
I think she’s pretty much done with teaching - especially in any public school system. Too high a BS factor in administration, alas. I think she’d do well in a corporate training position, but those are few and far-between around here, it seems. The search continues… Or it will - Roxy had a fever overnight, so they’re off to the Dr today. Wonder if she got gemies from one of her party guests?
It’s 8:20 and I’m still the only one awake here! Weird.
Oh boy do I understand that! I think I’m done in the classroom…
Yikes. Please update us after the ER trip. My fingers are crossed for a swift diagnosis and and an easy treatment plan.
Morning all. Another cool day, 50F getting to 67F but no rain and it looks like a pretty dry week with temperatures getting to 80F by the weekend. Just have the 5-S’s today (shop-sammich-swim-sauna-soccer) on the agenda. No new mouse entrapments, so hopefully deporting them several miles away worked.
FCM, glad daughter didn’t get caught, wonder if the check they sent will bounce or not. Hope something does come up for her.
verwirrt, good on your brain for enforcing some sleep on you. Even if it is stressful these next few days, rest will let you think clearly on the issues.
Herald, sorry to hear about the knee, hope the ER can prescribe something to help you sleep.
Well, why not???
OK, the Moanday morning internetting needs to be done and then in about an hour head over to Jersey Mike’s for my #3 sub. Have a good week all.
MetalMouse - she didn’t deposit the check but she did contact the company on which it was drawn to let them know. She’s almost as smrt as I is!
Still not yet 50° outside so I’m showered, dressed, and vegging till it’s warmer.
Happy Earth Day!
“Earth First! Make Mars our bitch” - Dale Gribble, King Of the Hill
I will be celebrating Earth Day by enjoying the fruits of the earth. Bourbon, specifically.
This section of the Earth is currently 45 degrees(ferret height), so I think not.
Eek, Herald. Hope the ER docs can help
Its going to be 60 today, all sun.
I’m on my way to the eye dr.
Let’s see if this works. I’m in the town on the right of the elevation map, walking to the one on the left side tomorrow. Scroll down to click “elevation profile.”
Brilliantly sunny and in the 50s today, plus The Oracles predict a chance of rain tomorrow. Perfect day to put out the rainbow chard, nasturtium & other seeds still awaiting their turn.
For Earth Day!!
I loved that show.
Cardio day today. Phew! Found out that our oldest resident Catherine died yesterday at 102. She pretty much defined “staying active” right up to the end, attending all exercise classes, and playing classical piano. Bon voyage, lady.
Made a croissant sandwich with bacon and strangled eggs ala Jacques Pepin. That’s pretty much my day, other than the crossword puzzles.