(OLD) Hey! It's The May-Day MMP!

'Tis officially May The First.

… so my rent is due.

Being a Sunday night, I knocked out some trash, and rolled the bin out to the curb. That, plus working, is enough adulting for one day.

That, plus giving a coworker a ride home. Now I’m home, contemplating some fud, and eyeballing my comfy bed piled with blankets. (I have the windows open.)

First! Because I’m in Spain. I’m on the Camino and My Lovely Wife has house guests for the duration, so eveyone has companions and pleasures.

ETA: May Day! Solidarity Forever! I missed a French air traffic control strike by 30 minutes.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave. One week to vacation.

We’re bros now.

“When the skritches are so good you explode”
The problem is now that he knows about skritches, he’s spent the last 90 minutes walking back and forth between my roommate and I doing his 6 week old kitten meows till he gets a petting. 17 more years of this? I think I preferred aloof feral boy. :wink:

As is mine.


Happy May Day, mumpers! Now if I only had a may pole. Because nothing says spring like festooning a large phallic symbol with ribbon! :innocent:

Yeah, I’m feeling a little punchy. It’s almost 4 in the morning and the fever is back. So more fluids, more Advil and Tylenol, more switching back and forth between shivering and rising, no storytime. Ah well. If the fever hasn’t permanently kicked itself out by tomorrow, I need to make a call to my doctor. I love my doctor, but grrrr.

At least I’ve got plenty of books to read. And the Dope to comment on!

shoe, sounds like you’ve done more than enough adulting. You’ve even done Good DeedsTM. If the bed is callin’, you should listen. Get good sleep, my friend.

susan, go May Day Solidarity! Glad you missed the strike instead of getting stuck in it.

doggio, those are some truly powerful skritches!

And now I think I’m going back to sleep. Have a great mornafternight!

For some strange reason, I seem unable to get more than about 6 hours of sleep at a stretch. So I’ve been up since about 4. Lucky me…

Busy day ahead - a couple of projects on the boat will be the main thing. But first, I’ll need to gather all the household trash and recycling and load it into the truck. After we finish the boat chores, we’ll go by the convenience center and dispose of it all. And there’s always general tidying.

Discovered this morning that I need more cat kibbles, but I doubt I’ll get it today. I also need bananas before Tobias returns tomorrow. And maybe some grapes. That kid lurves his fruit and I’d rather he have fresh than canned, mostly because canned fruit is messy and sticky in toddler hands.

JtC - in the last MMP, you asked about DNR, which, as sari pointed out, is the Dept of Natural Resources. There’s something called the Clean Marina Program (or Initiative, or something) whereby marine and boatyard owners are prepared to deal with fuel or oil spills to keep the Bay clean and safe. Part of that program includes informing the state when spills occur. So we don’t know what will come of that. But we will be billed for the yard’s emergency response before we got there. No idea how much that will be…

But for the moment, it’s quiet and I can think happy thoughts, right?

Happy Moanday!

Mornin’ all. Ref FCM just above I was also only able to get 6h of sleep. Because as I was prepping for bed at 10pm the irk alarm went off for 2 days of overtime necessitating a 4am wakeup.

Here at 6:30 I’m at irk now, having just eaten a quick breakfast then will start my day. Had a superb drive in with the top down in the pre-dawn cool.

Off to Mexico City well pre-dawn. Where two of the 3 local volcanoes are making ash. Which we can’t see, detect, nor safely fly through. Tis a conundrum. At least it’ll be daytime by the time we get there.

Then spend the day hanging out in downtown Mexico City. Which is a lot of fun. The payback comes tomorrow when we wake up at 3am to go back to work & fly back to MIA and drive home.

Have fun and we’ll yak later today.

As to doggio and addictive scritches … well, you knew that was coming and you did it anyhow. That one is totally on you. :grin:

Good morning one and all.

It’s currently 51 degrees and cloudy. The clouds will stay with us all day; the expected high is 60 degrees.

I never made it to the nursery yesterday, but I did laundry and pulled some more weeds.

It looks like Spot is home and feeling it. He’s living up to his name by leaving spots.

I ordered some dog treats via Amazon, which will be here today. It’s a good thing, too, because I am out. I have doggy ice cream (of course!), but I give Polar Bocce Bakery treats in the morning after his pill, and I’m out. I also give those treats to him when I return to the house for whatever reason. Let’s face it; it’s guilt. I feel bad whenever I have to leave Polar at home. He has me well-trained.

Ugh, it’s back to work, but since I spent four days in various offices last week, I am opting to work from home all week.

On to another cup of coffee!

From last week (which I somehow missed):

I actually liked the Last Herald Mage series a little more, for all that I identified more with Talia. My Dad was the SFBC person, though he was much more a hard sci-fi reader which meant the fantasy books were all mine. I felt very much the same about So You Want to Be a Wizard. One of my other favorites though was DarkMage by Barbara Hambly. It’s a bit dated now, but still a wonderful story.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’.
YAWN ‘Tis 54 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 76 and N.O.S. for the day. I shall bother the insurance folks for today’s main activity. Other than that a day of high sloth and general overall uselessness is planned. Sup shall be Eyetalian chikin, peas’n carrots, wild rice, and rolls.

TrueFish hope you’re feelin’ better today.

Pilot watch out for volcanoes.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s currently 14c/58f with a predicted high of 15c/59f and mostly cloudy. Weather app tells me that “Each fucking cloud in the sky is calling you dirty, dirty names.” It was raining a little bit earlier when I went to the gym, but it’s dried up now and is, as weather app says, mostly cloudy.

Today is a public holiday so no irk for me, and the perfect opportunity for slothage except I had stuff to do (since I was a sloth yesterday). I went to the gym this morning and did a 45 minute weights session, came home for a restorative cup of tea and then shoved the rollsuck round the floors. After that, another cup of tea while I ran a bath and then had a nice soak to get myself clean and unsticky. Lunch next, and possibly ironing as I’ve got a bunch of t-shirts that need some attention.

It’s my turn to cook tonight and I am planning to make chilli because it’s easy, and also because we have neither potatoes nor mushrooms in the house so that meant my other two choices for tonight wouldn’t work. And I couldn’t be bothered diverting off my route home from the gym to go via the supermarket. Thus, chilli it shall be. Grocery shopping is tomorrow night after irk, and I need to call the vet as they haven’t been in touch to let me know the whereabouts of Shadow’s medication.

doggio still keeping fingers and paws crossed for Darci’s safe return, and good to see Spot has decided you’re not such a bad sort after all :slight_smile:

RealFish hope you feel better today!

pilot I hope the skies are clear and clean for you :slight_smile:

Right…time to see what Shadow would like for lunch, I suspect if I mention the possibility of tuna, he will deem that acceptable.

The sun is back! Yay! Supposed to get high 60s this week, so that should give all the greenery a big boost. Q’itih is begging for skritches at the moment, which means I have to fight her for the computer mouse. Gah! Stop licking my arm! Good thing she’s so stinkin’ cute.

Mornin, all! Off to the shop to clean up and build some stuff. Have a great week erry body.

Morning all. A beautiful morning, heading to 66F and not a raindrop to be seen. Some moanday shopping to complement the Great May Stockage from yesterday and then a sammich from Jersey Mike’s, then swimmin’ and sauna and top it off with soccer practice, so a fairly active day in store (if I quit yawning…).

Only out of the ordinary thing on my schedule this week is to finally get the service department at the Dodge dealer. They need to change the right front blinker light and re-program my key fobs, so hopefully a fast and not to expensive visit.

doggio, you got a cat, now live with the consequences…

boo fae, see you have a ‘bank holiday’ today; never understood why they called them that, would only bankers get the time off? But enjoy your day.

Pilot, y’all be careful there. I can remember the stories when the Iceland volcano erupted and air traffic all over the N. Atlantic got disrupted.

FCM, hope the bananas aren;t too ripe and the yard’s cost is small.

{{Real Fish}}, get better soon.

suzie, enjoy Spain. Have never been there but it is on my bucket list.

So you’re going around saying “I want my May pole??” (old joke based on this vintage commercial–https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXnSe7MYPGM )

OK, need to get active and onward into the week. Have a good one all.

This comes under the category of, “The Weirdest Traffic Warning Ever”.

I was heading south through my suburb and on my way home. I noticed a Sheriff’s Police cruiser in the left lane going the speed limit which, at that point, is 35 MPH. My electronics informed me that his radar was shut off, which means he wasn’t doing traffic control. Also, the Sheriff’s Police doesn’t make local stops as a matter of course, that is done by the metro police of whatever suburb you happen to be driving in. So, I saw no need to slow down from my slightly over 40 MPH speed, and I ended up coasting by him.

Suddenly, he pulls behind me and his dome lights go on! I wasn’t going to stop on the main thoroughfare, so I signaled and turned right onto a side street and stopped. An officer looking to be about 50 years old exited his cruiser and walked towards me. I noticed he was wearing his sidearm across his belly like “Angel Eyes” (Lee Van Cleef) in, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”. He arrived at my driver’s side window.

Officer; “Do you know the speed limit here?”
Me: “It’s 35 MPH, officer.”
Officer: “And how fast were you going?”
Me: "When I saw your dome lights, I looked, and it was 40 MPH.’
Officer: “It was 43 MPH, and you went right past me like it didn’t matter that you were speeding past a police vehicle.”
Me: “I’m sorry, officer, there was no disrespect intended.”
Officer: “Do you have a driver’s license and insurance?”
Me: “Yes, sir.” (I turned to my purse on the passenger seat in order to retrieve the credentials.)
Officer: “No, you don’t need to take them out. I’m going to give you a warning, but first I want you to make a promise to me.”
Me: “To behave?”
Officer: "Raise your right hand and repeat after me. “I promise not to speed through town on a busy avenue, and I especially promise not to speed past a police cruiser as if it didn’t matter.” (I repeated.)

He then went back to his cruiser and drove away.

I have to say that I am always sweet, respectful, and understanding with the police. It has resulted in warnings on several occasions instead of tickets. Still, that was really strange!

Yesterday morning Ursala Kitteh was fine. I was gone for the day and when I got home in the early evening she was limping. This morning she is fine. The vet has no available appointments this week. Grrrr. I will call later. And it’s raining again, but not raining men.

G’morning, kids.

So, my car started making a terrifying noise on Friday. I was hopeful that it was just a belt going out, but it turns out to be a failed power steering fluid pump. Running with no fluid means the rack-and-pinion assembly is damaged and needs replacing. I didn’t know it was leaking because it’s springtime in Minnesota and the ground is always wet. So the pump and the r n’ p need replacing to the tune of two thousand dollars.

Friends and family have chipped in to save my broke ass yet again, so I’ll be keeping it topped up with fluid in the meantime and getting it fixed soon. My aspirations of getting a new video card in time to play Starfield this summer are borked, though. Such is life.

Dealing with all that over the weekend reduced my available schoolwork time, but I still managed to do two of the three final papers on my docket. Just one more to finish and I will be done-done. So I’ll be sneaking in work on that during this workweek. Then come Friday I’ll be riding the ol’ choo-choo to Minneapolis and flying from there to Pennsylvania to meet my mom for graduation (an excursion that again is courtesy the largesse of people who love me. I hate being such a leech.)

In less dismal news, I made a really wonderful pork tenderloin roast w/ veggies on Saturday after I got back from car stuff.

shoe, blessed are ye who play taxi to we automotively-impaired, be it a permanent state of pedestrianism or a temporary mechanical inconvenience.

susan, enjoy your trip, and good luck dodging the picket when it’s time to come home!

doggio, that is a Very Handsome Boy. Blessed are ye to bask in his hirsute presence.

True Fish, please get plenty of rest!

FCM, yikes… I hope the bill isn’t too much of a blow when it comes.

pilot, good luck not dying due to volcano! Which, to be fair, would be a pretty cool thing to have on a tombstone. “Exploded six miles up in the sky due to volcano.”

Jasmine, I am… Not particularly favorably disposed towards the fuzz, but even were I not - that just reeks of power trip. He wanted to demonstrate power and to see you submit.

peedin, I hope she’s ok! My brother’s cat limps for attention. There’s nothing wrong with her, she only limps when she knows someone’s looking, and she freely switches which leg she favors.

Winding up the day here.

We have Golden Week holidays this week starting on Wednesday. So, one more day of work then off for five.

My wife’s family is up from Taiwan this week and my wife took them to Hakodate for a couple of days. I do most of the cooking / housework / kid stuff anyway, but it do notice the difference when it’s 100%.

I called the vet and Ursala is going in Thursday. I have her on daily kitty Cosequin and gabapentin PRN.

Today I start my new regimen of not eating junk food and going back to exercise.


I LOL’d.

Old-timey traditions are weird, man.

Aw, shit, me too.

Aw, shit, me too.

{ remind me to stop bitching about my job, at least I don’t fly through active volcanoes }

Ooh, I know what I want now!

That name will never stop amusing me …

Yeah, that’s a WTF coupled with a nice side of power tripping.

Discource won’t
let me link so breaking the URL https:// youtu.be/ WptlIruczS0

Go big, or go home.

Ah! :rofl: