Dog Days: An August MMP

There’s not a lot of major holidays in August(An Irish Bank Holiday at the start, and an English Bank Holiday at the end), so it’s just toil and heat for us non retired folks. Although today is the Memorial for St. Dominic, the day the photo that became the cover of The Beetle’s Abbey Road album was taken, and the Battle of Aimes, the “Black Day of The German Army” in 1918.

Hijack away, when y’all retired sloths finally get out of bed.

Of course, there’s the insomniacs who haven’t gone to bed yet. :slight_smile:

Morning, mumpers! It’s 20c/67f with a predicted high of 26c/78f and partly cloudy. Can’t see any cloud from where I’m sitting. Weather app says “For fuck’s sake, what’s up with the clouds?” I have no idea, I can’t see any.

We have a bank holiday at the end of August which is very useful as it comes at the end of music festival weekend for me so I get a bonus day off to drive home and recover before having to come back to campus.

The good news is that I have a 3-day week, bad news is they’re all on campus, bonus good news is that today is the last day of the commonwealth games circus!

August had 2 celebrations in my family - my parents were married on Aug 9 (this year would have been their 70th) and my baby bro’s b-day on the 22nd (he hits 66 this year.) It also might have included my daughter’s b-day, but she decided to be late, and occasionally, she shares Labor Day with the country. Like this year.

I had barely 4 stoopit hours of sleep. I was awake till after midnight, then woke around 4:30. I thought about staying in bed, but Higgs gets her meds around 5. Yeah, another hour or so wouldn’t make a huge difference, but I woke up and that was that. I’ve since showered, dressed, fed the critters, and fed myself.

Today’s big thing is a dental appt at 9:00. Just a routine cleaning - I can’t recall if I’m due for xrays or not. So I’ll be leaving around 8:30 and with luck, I’ll be home by 11, since I plan to stop at Food Lion on the way. I’m not sure what else is on the agenda, or if there even is an agenda. Maybe when I’m fully caffeinated, I can brain better.

Happy Moanday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 72 Amurrkin out and mostly clear (partly murky?) with a predicted high of 89 and partly N.O.S. with maybe a chance of rain, or not. No big plans at all for the day. Sloth, quality cee-mint pond time, nappage, day drinkin’, and general overall uselessness shall rule the day. Since I still have a gnawin’ and a cravin’ for hotdawgs that shall be sup along with oven fries. No chili this time, but there will be onions and cheese.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Morning everyone! We somehow have wandered down to S Texas where it’s a few degrees cooler. 79F now with high 90s predicted later. Last night was the 90th night in the RV this year, so we’re taking good advantage of this "retirement " thing.

Already caffeinated and breakfasted, awaiting the missus to arise, and we’ll head nawth to home again. The week has Dr vists and journeying to help a post op relative for a few days.

Hope all have a good week. Will try to post from wherever later.

The cat demanded that I get up because daylight. Today we go in search of new phones; one to replace my wife’s stolen phone and one to replace my phone that is becoming senile. An exciting adventure awaits, I’m sure. But first: breakfast burritos and coffee!

First Blessed Day Off since I started this (rather exhausting!) new job, so of COURSE I’m up at what I consider to be stoopit early. It’s not even eight a.m. ferchrissakes!

I’m off today & tomorrow, so this is the start of my “weekend” dammit.
Perhaps nappage will ensue.

I got fresh moo-juice and a brand-new box of Cheerios recently, so have already ingested a reasonably healthy First Breakfast.

But I kinda want scrambled eggs, too. (Appetite returning! :partying_face:) so Second Breakfast may ensue later.

The oracles predict thunder-boomers 'round dese here parts. More domestic gods predict … laundry.

Let the excitement commence!

Thunder, lightning, and Ursala Kittteh woke me before 7 am. Today I have to have blood irk and a COVID test for Wednesday’s procedure. Tonight is patty melt night with my friend.

Good morning, everyone. I’m treating myself to a second cup of tea just because I can. So if I have to pee at the halfway point during my commute, I’ve no one but myself to blame.

Temps should come down a little today so instead of the mid-90s we might reach something like 85 degrees today. That’s a welcome relief. My dahlias are looking a little sunburned, but they’re still producing flowers.

I’m making a polska kielbasa and potato fritatta for breakfast, because I have half a kielbasa that needs to be used up. And as soon as I hit “reply” I have to jump up and freeze half the chicken gyozas that we bought at Costco yesterday, because the package is too huge for us to eat at one sitting.

I have a new top to wear to work today, courtesy of Costco. Sometimes they come through with some really nice clothing, nice enough for me to wear to work. Usually, though, I only buy T-shirts, shorts and the like there.

Morning all. 72F heading for 92F and about a one-in-three chance of rain this afternoon so will get shoppin’ -n- sammich -n- swimmin’ done early, and do soccer if the weather allows it. That should be enough to keep the day interesting.

No holidays that I can recall for August–but no extra bills either, so my budget can hopefully recover from the Great Leakage. We’ll see.

Have a good week all.

Mornin, all. Today shall be a trip to the shop to finish off a couple of pieces, then a trip up the lake to deliver them to the store. Elsewise, unknown. I need to ask about the game dev’s presentation to the client and if I’m still doing rfid research. Anyway…onwards!

Stay safe, y’all.

Good morning all.

It’s currently 60 degrees with an expected high of 92 and clear skies.

I was very busy yesterday morning and had gotten the house dusted and vacuumed, the kitchen cleaned, the lawn watered, flowers watered, plus showered by 10:00 am. My son arrived around 1:00 pm.

We had a good time hanging out and he stayed the night. Everyone else is still currently sleeping, but I couldn’t stay in bed any longer, so I had to come downstairs and get some coffee. I’ve been awake since 3:45 am but tried to stay in bed so as not to disturb others, but by 6:00 my bladder was screaming, and Polar needed his daily Rimadyl tablet.

I’m not sure what’s on the agenda today; guess I’ll have to play it by ear.

I hope everyone has a pleasant day.

We stayed up until almost midnight to watch Thirteen Lives last night. I hit the snooze alarm twice this morning.

Hey - that’s my schtick! Nobody cares about your laundry - everybody cares about mine! That’s the rule!!!
And yay for returned appetite!

And I’m back from dentisting - no probs, just a check of my gums and a cleaning. Good till February. I scored some formula in Food Lion - Aldi was out and my daughter is down to her last half container. Three more months, and the kid can switch to milk. Mom wants to wait till he’s a year old before switching.

So, now what? FCD is at Social Security trying to do whatever he has to do to be his brother’s representative in his mother’s place. No clue when he’ll get home. That leaves me without adult supervision… what to do, what to do??


Maybe I’ll assume the recline position with my book.

Happy Moanday!
Hump day for me, and I am already ready for this irk week to end. Didn’t take any days off for travel - we flew out Wednesday night and got home Friday evening - then I had to go in an hour early Sattidy for March of the Penguins day.
It was super busy Sattidy and Sunday due to a combination of the aforementioned penguin event and uncharacteristically beautiful weather (Karl the Fog has been out of town lately).

On the plus side, yesterday was a half train-day for me, and today is supposed to be as well.
Kids start going back to school this week, and I’ll be glad when they all do.

So Mondays are thinly staffed. But they only had 1 person on the 300 sort table and didn’t have a supervisor. :grimacing: And then they sent me over there to help unscrew things. Then they gave me a Blueberry to help me, who didn’t know how to do anything, and couldn’t lift anything. :thinking: But I got crap done, and it’s time for my shredded wheat and (edible)blueberries.

Yay! :fried_egg:

At least it wasn’t The Great Green Arkleseizure

FCM use a coaster!

COVID test and blood work done for Wednesday. It finally stopped stroming and sadly the sun is trying to come out. Could it be more humid???

Good evening. August has 5 Mondays this year, and I only have to work on 2 of them.

August 1st (Swiss National Day) and August 15th (Assumption) are holidays here, and I am on vacation for the last Monday.

Friday I tried doing incline push-ups, and Saturday I trimmed the hedge. Yesterday my arms were tired and heavy.

And somehow I have about 6-8 mosquito bites on my right arm - all between the elbow and shoulder. Not fun at all.

Cleaned the bathroom sinks, the kitchen floor, did two loads of laundry, and worked. Plus watered both the back and front yards, as rain seems to still be in short supply.

Big excitement on Saturday. Went out and someone was weedwacking the edge of the field across the street. Came back and there was an electric fence set up and sheep! They’re still there, doing their thing. It’s sort of like having a windchime going off all the time - a bit higher pitched than the standard cowbells.

Guess I should go put the laundry away and get settling down for the evening.

I’m assuming doggio meant for the subject to be “Dog Days: An August MMP”…I kind of like the idea of us bein’ all grand and dignified and shit. :grin:

So far so good with the concrete work! I was up waayyyy too early in order to be presentable and outside at 7am, but I had a good chat with my property manager’s brother before the truck and equipment got here. The jackhammering started at around 7:45 (sorry, neighbors!), and all of the super noisy stuff was done before the crew’s lunch break started. This afternoon they’ve just been doing all of the framing for the new stuff, and they’re about to give me a ramp out front. The concrete truck won’t be here until late Friday morning, but as long as the forecast holds ( :crossed_fingers: ) everything should be set/usable by lunchtime on Saturday. I fully expect to stumble on the new steps – both front and back – a few times. :wink:

In a few hours, I’ll head to my friend’s place: we’ll have dinner together, and I’ll get all of my work crap set up on her dining room table for the next three days. I’m glad it works out that there won’t be any jackhammering or other noise while Bailey will be home alone, and I’m very glad that I decided not to kennel her this week. Now I can look forward to working somewhere else for a few days (and helping my friend) without feeling too guilty about the doggy.

It’s only 2:40pm, but today’s early start is beginning to hit me…I think my upcoming protein shake will be caffeinated!