W-2 are going out. Unfortunately 44 2lbs W-2 packs in a bag is not fun to dump.
All you retired slackers can highjack this after Pee O’clock
First! I was up late watching TCM.
I’m still up, having my post-work pork chop.
Cuppa green jasmine, as a change from my usual classic black Lipton.
The poke is delishush; the tea is … just not as satisfying, yanno?
Need to get my kitchen cleaned the hell up, as more Jell-O-ification must commence tomorrow. I discreetly asked around a bit today about bringing any vodka Jell-O shots to the “holiday” work party, including checking with Sweet Manager and it appears … that I have not made enough.
Me: “Would you be more disappointed in me if I brought Jell-O shots, or if I didn’t bring Jell-O shots?”
Sweet Manager: { eyes widen, smile widens more } “Ohhh, yeah, bring 'em! Just make sure we know which is which.”
I’m the one with a half-dozen of my own variously colored Sharpies in my apron. I was slightly offended at the idea that I wouldn’t color code!
… I’m also not gonna babysit a pack of minors, so they’ll stay in my car.
Uh, the watermelon Jell-O, not the minors.
Whomsoever would like to step outside for a smoke break, or would like to accompany me to my car to protect me from marauding zombies try out this one flavor that just doesn’t taste quite right … well, I’m sure word will get around.
Morning, mumpers! It’s currently 0c/31f with a predicted high of 2c.35f, and mostly sunny. Weather app says “My fucking joints are aching. It must mean I’m getting old. Oh, who am I fucking kidding? I’m fucking old.” I share that one, definitely feeling the aching joints and the after-effects of Saturday’s gym activities!
From the last MMP - @JaneDoe42 and @purplehorseshoe: I don’t have a tumble dryer so all my t-shirts get dried over the clotheshorse in the bathroom so they’re not quite ready for wearing (unless it’s just at home where it doesn’t matter) outside. Thus they need an iron run over them, but yesterday I was busy doing other things so that little job got ignored.
I’m up, sheveled and logged into work as I get to work at home on Monday and Tuesday. I have a meeting at 10am and one at 2pm, neither should be particularly difficult and hopefully won’t cause any additional work for me. That’s the kind of meeting I like.
I also got to spend most of yesterday proofreading a friend’s book of short stories as a favour to him. It was fun, his stories were entertaining although I managed to guess the ending/twist of most of them. Definitely a good way to spend the day, and better than ironing t-shirts!
Sleep “pattern” is randomizing again. It’s about 2:30am Pacific, and I just got out of a soak in the tub that went so long I had to add more hot water twice. The book I was reading (Station Eleven) was worth it, for those who like post-apocalyptic. If you read this one, keep in mind it was written in 2014, in the pre-Covid Beforetimes.
Mornin all. I’m up stupid early today.
My Uber is due in 12 minutes, which will take me to the airport, where I’m scheduled to fly to DFW and then Houston, which is about to get slammed by major thunderstorms. This has been predicted for days. I suggested traveling yesterday instead of today, but the company wouldn’t spring for an extra hotel night. So we shall see how things go today. If we’re not all there in time to start the job Tuesday morning, it’s not my fault. I’m going to try to stress as little as possible and get there when I get there.
Believe it or not, I’ve had 2 good sleeps in a row, which means I’ve now jinxed myself by mentioning it. I did wake at least once, but fell back to sleep before too long. And I was having the usual weird, disjointed dreams, none of which I can recall now, so at least they were not terrifying.
For those who don’t stalk follow my sister on FB, here’s my mom and others celebrating her birthday. Mom’s nickname is Chick (more or less the last syllable of her Polish maiden name) hence the shirts.
Mom is the one in the birthday tiara and 2 of my sisters flank her. I don’t know who the other people are. And Mom’s t-shirt has a “namebadge” that says I’m Chick. I knew you were all wondering…
Plans for today - probably making lists. I need one of stuff we need to remember to do/pack before leaving, one for SIL to remind him of what he needs to do when he comes over, and one for Daughter with info just in case. I’m not worried about plane crashes or the ship sinking, but I am worried about what Daughter needs to do should any of that occur. She needs to know where documents and account information resides. Heck, she needs to know that anyway. So I’ll get started on that today.
Supposedly, the new car seat will be delivered today - originally promised Jan 12-16. I sometimes wonder if Amazon deliberately gives worst case delivery dates so we say “Wow, they delivered 3 days early!!!” Now my only worry about the seat is that it doesn’t turn Tobias gay - it’s got pink on it after all…
And yes, that was not serious. Tho my niece’s cousin has that streak of toxic masculinity regarding his 2 sons. No pink or purple stuff for them, by jingo! I can only shake my head at the stupidity.
Speaking of packing, our suitcases are lying open on the guest bed and we’ve started tossing in things we won’t be needing over the next week. I’m pretty sure I can safely add our swimsuits to the pile. I need to contact the cruise line about a couple of things - with luck, I can get thru today. The last couple of times I tried, the wait was longer than I wanted to deal with. Because my time is so precious…
Anyway, Happy Moanday!!
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 40 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 53 and mostly cloudy for the day. I need to get two ‘scripts refilled today and also take care of a few errands. I shall get that done this mornin’ so as I can spend the rest of the day in sloth, general overall uselessness, nappage, and day drinkin’. Sup shall be sketties 'n meatballs, sallit, and cheesey garlic bread.
Wheelie good luck in your travels today. May you make it to Houston relatively unscathed.
Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas and bother, I suppose I must purtify and don attire acceptable for bein’ amongst the great unwashed. Woe is me!
Happy Moanday Y’all!
Good morning.
It’s 36F and raining.
I am sitting outside of Haggen waiting for it to open. I am down in Oly town today so I can print some stuff at work and take care of a few things at the office.
My day didn’t start off very well because asshole neighbors blocked part of my driveway with one of their vehicles. They have room for vehicles in their driveway, but never freakin’ park there. I am quite stabby and grumpy.
With that, I’ll sign off. Time to get some yogurt.
Mornin’ all from Guatapé Colombia. About an hour after dawn I’m on my cabin’s porch looking at a lake while roosters crow here and there. Almost time for open air breakfast.
Turns out this weekend is a big national holiday 3-day weekend, so the whole damn country has been partying hearty since I got to Medellin on Fri night. Mucho fiesta y musica bailanda 24 horas!
Much fun has been had, I’m stiff in spots I’d forgotten I owned, and all is well. I gave up on the prior MMP both reading and posting.
Good luck w everything everyone.
My new coffee grinder arrived last night! The old one crapped out on Saturday when we had company. A sad passing, as I’ve had that one for a long time ::sound of taps playing softly:: I used my food processor to try to grind some beans for the guests, but it really isn’t meant for that and the resulting brew was. . .not good. Hopefully this $20 Krups will hold up for awhile.
G’mornin’, kids!
Winter has finally arrived up here, eight degrees this morning and all the roads glassy-slick with ice. Fun!
I have been scarce due to job/moving stuff, and will no doubt continue to be scarce for a while. By way of summary: I start as Library Technology Manager for the Washington County Libraries (just east of St Paul) on Jan 22d. I have secured rental of a lovely li’l townhouse with attached garage, fireplace, central heat/air, and washer/dryer in unit. Very, very jazzed. I am presently beginning my last week working for the Tribal College, I have a ton to get done to ensure that the next librarian doesn’t come in to the same disaster I did. (“But then, Nine, shouldn’t you be doing that instead of posting on a message board?” Shh. Shhhhhhh.)
My apartment is 80% packed up. All the patching and painting has been completed. All that’s left is bathroom stuff, kitchen stuff, and clothes. And then all the wiping/scrubbing/sweeping/vacuuming, of course. One of my colleague-pals up here at the college has volunteered to drive the uhaul for me and take the opportunity to visit his friends in the Twin Cities. We’ll be loading the truck on Sunday the 14th and driving down on Monday the 15th. Such is the plan, we shall see if it survives contact with the enemy.
When I started my car this morning the check-engine-light came on… So I’ll probably try to work remote tomorrow and take it in to be looked at. I certainly can’t afford any substantial work on it, I’m barely able to afford the move as it is, but… Better to know what’s wrong than not know, right? We’ll see.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got. Love y’all!
Good morning. Trying to face the week with calm and equanimity. I have three grant reports to complete this week but limited time to do them. Today’s work day will be cut short because we’re taking my son to the dietician today. I’m not really sure what to expect but we were referred by the GI. My son has a feeding disorder. He eats a very restricted diet, so much so that I don’t understand how he’s growing so tall, but I guess the plan is to ask the dietician, given his limited diet, is there anything we could do better nutritionally? Also this appointment is at a hospital and I hate hospitals.
My son’s eating habits are another area where other people get judgy, but after a year of feeding therapy, a GI and now a dietician I’m not sure what we could do better. He will be resuming feeding therapy soonish.
Then Tuesday I’m losing half a work day to get retested for penicillin allergy. Allegedly a lot of people lose this allergy after being diagnosed in childhood, so my asthma doctor encouraged me to get retested so it can be removed from my medical record. It’s like four hours to do this allergy test. But I’ve rescheduled the appointment four times already, and I need to see him for a med refill anyway. I just have to get it done.
Then Wednesday half a day of work meetings.
So not nearly as much work time as I would like.
That sounds so exciting! May it be an easy and fun transition.
Isn’t it amazing how everyone becomes an expert on things they know nothing about? Like single people spouting parenting advice? It doth sucketh mightily that you have to deal with this. Hope the dietician can give you some insight.
FCD is off to the boatyard again. We think we have an electrical bonding issue that may have been caused by all the work they did last spring. Not too surprising, considering all that they had to do.
I’m trying to get motivated… it would probably help if I abandon my recliner. Ya think? Time to make some lists.
And a good morning to all. A cool (40F) outside and due to get to 52F with rain this evening and tomorrow. Big thing this week is the plumbers will be back on Wednesday and take out and replace the whole line between kitchen and 2nd bathroom, so major disruption for a day or two, but hopefully for the last time. Otherwise a pretty quiet week is planned.
doggio, I usually let Turbotax do my work in February, so far I’ve gotten refunds and no audits, so I guess that it a good thing. Have fun with the paperwork.
shoe, have fun monitoring the Jello shots.
Nettie, looked at the books premise, sounds interesting.
Wheelie, you’re probably on the road already, but right now on Flight Tracker it looks like air traffic is getting into Houston ok, so crossing fingers that it works out for you.
FCM, nice pic. Your Mom looks real well given her age. And yeah, 10 days out from your trip, lists are a requirement.
Pilot, enjoy the time in Colombia, you can report back to us when you’ve recovered…
Niner, sounds like things are coming together for you. Write us when you can, but hope the new job is all that you could want.
Herald, seems that mustaches were in fashion at the time (at least for the gentlemen…). Beautiful bride, BTW.
Spicy, good on ya for working with son’s diet and additional fingers crossed for the allergy removal.
OK, need to dress for the Great Outdoors and do my shopping and sammich run in a hour or so. Also hope to get swimming and sauna in. Take care all and have a good week.
You should go check out the Shakira statue. Lol. I actually do love Shakira’s Spanish language stuff. She’s a goddamn poet in her own language. Not so much in English.
My FIL is in Colombia right now. May you never meet him.
She is a poet in Spanish, and in motion. Mesmerizing.
Actually, if I found your FIL, this would a very convenient place to do it. “Stuff” happens very easily here at little cost and leaves no traces.
@SCAdian. So that’s the pic of the 30-year re-enactment? Great looking crew; you’ve aged well.
Special congrats to Niner!! I am so excited you have what looks like a dream job in a dream location. And the townhouse sounds ideal
I killed myself during my last two weeks at my last office job trying to tie up the loose ends, leave good documentation, etc. My coworkers lost most of it, then turnover lost the rest within 3 months. It was an exercise in near total futility. I felt good doing it at the time, but when I learned later from a former coworker what happened later I just felt duped, not heroic. It totally altered my view of what I had done, and became a (negative) parable of my time there: all swine undeserving of my pearls, be they few or many.
That story may help you depressurize yourself a bit these next few days.
I hope this isn’t too nosy, and if it is please feel free to tell me to go pound sand disregard, but may I ask what this ^^ entails?
I’m only wondering because I’ve had a crap appetite pretty much all my adult life. It’s not texture issues or anything most “picky” eaters usually describe. I like food. I do not have anorexia - trust me, I miss being all curvaceous - but I just … donwanna eat, some days, so I’m wondering if there’s something that might help, of which I’m unaware.
Meanwhile, it’s my Blessed Day Off after a long weekend of feeding the drunken hordes the good people of western Mitten State, so of COURSE I’m up at stoopit o’clock. It’s barely 10 a.m. ferchrissakes.
Now I’m awake in the grey post-dawn chill, looking at Jell-O shot recipes and feeling like I’m trapped in some bizarre math word problem.
Most recipes call for 3 oz. of gelatin. Most of my boxes are 6, but the one I wanna use is 4 oz. and also, how many ounces are in a pint of vodka, minus however much I “sampled for quality control”?
Also, if Train A leaves the station at 9:15 a.m. (when I woke up) and Train B leaves the station at 10:18 a.m. (current time) how drunk will my coworkers get, off however much vodka is divided among a dozen Dixie cups?
As for the O.P. as far as I’m concerned, “tax season” has two parts: the “Gathering of the Paperwork” (piling all the W-2s and whatnot in a, well, pile, as they arrive) and the “Adulting” which generally occurs around the 2nd week of April but my first year in Michigan was finally achieved in November - and yes, I filed for an extension, thankyouverymuch - which mostly involves seeking out someone smarter than me and heaving the above-mentioned pile AT them and then, like prisoners forced to play Russian roulette, waiting quietly for the outcome.
On the sage advice of Mumpers from the last MMP, I’m taking a mental health day off today. Plus I woke up with a sore back. I aim to do much napping. And perhaps some day-drinking.